Just got a call - they want a 2nd sleep study!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Gwen, I am pretty sure that if you go for that second mask test, then you have sleep apnea is some form, whether it be mild or not. If you dont do the test there is a good chance your surgery could be cancelled. I think they want to make sure you are using the cpap prior. It suxxxxxxxx, I know. But I am happy that post surgery I do not have to use my machine. good luck hon
Thanks everyone. I know and I agree. I'd rather be safe than sorry. If there was just another way to go about it though. The first really was tough. When I would finally start to doze off then I'd wake right back up. I struggled so hard to just sleep and got very little (I did enough to have a dream/nightmare that when it was over I was told that they didn't get sufficient data and I had to have a 24 hr sleep study!! ). I am not real hopeful that it will be any better with a mask on. IF ONLY I could do it at home!! I have a really bad back and the mattress and everything has such a big impact on how I sleep. Or if I could stay there a few days to get used to it before having the test done. Honestly, I don't sleep well when I am out of my environment....with the exception of camping, but that may be helped by some foamy liquid.
I am going to try to see this as positive as possible, but it is going to be hard knowing how the last one was. I wonder if I could request a jacuzzi room?