Saxman,,,,, What's the deal?
LOL, I had a good laugh about that one too!!! OK, we had a very unique site, starting with one of my feeders getting a IV III III III (if you know the situtaion you understand that), the last band that played thinking they were scheduled for an hour later than they started, and this rating!
Overall it was actually a fair site. Now for that I II III IV group???????????? Especially in my auditorium since the sound is equal in the back areas as it is on stage (I love it, one of the best I've played in!). The IV was high, and the II was low -- ironically the II was the one guy who was consistently lower on the other bands. I heard it wasn't a good performance and the director actually questioned the guy who gave a II. The I in sightreading, well ???????????????? I've never in my life seen or heard of that. The director got a chuckle out of it, I don't know if there's really anything else you can do. I wasn't in the performance room at that point so I missed the performance. I can say without a doubt, the judges DID NOT conference the second day!
Strange, strange couple of days, BUT overall fair judging and some kick butt performances by Josh's groups and Dennis' bands.
Tragic. I don't think they need to conference. I think they need to understand how to adjudicate.
I had two judges that were on top of things and two losers. My band pulled straight Is but it doesn't mean anything after last week's debacle.
Check your yahoo group email. I had a couple of early morning minutes to reflect on this.
"Go sell crazy somewhere else; we're all stocked up here."