Who are you telling about your WLS?
I chose to tell only a couple of close friends the I have great faith in as well as my immediate family. I work full time in an all woman department an I knew that if I told them prior to my surgery I would spend all my time explaining myself and my decision. I wanted to use all my energy on positive thinking. Only my team leader, Manager and HR department knew of my surgery. I was even still listed on the work schedule even though my medical leave was approved and my surgery date was set. My first day off work was my surgery date. I told my manager & team leader that I didn't care if they told my co-workers my first day off. By then they would have weeks to get used to the idea and my close friends could assure them that I was fine. The same went for the extended family. It went really well and I haven't had to do any explaining at all. By the time I went back to work- I was old news!! I know you will do what is right for you. If your not sure about telling someone- don't- until you feel sure- that includes the family. Good luck to you!!!
Hey Gwen. I have told EVERYBODY!!! I am proud that I went along and had this done to save my life. My friends and family have told everyone too. I have not come across one negative comment since I have told anyone. They all know how desprately I needed this to go on. I would do it again tomorrow and I would put it in the local paper, and the Grand Rapids Press... Thanks how blessed I am to have such a support system around me.
At first, I pretty much told everyone I saw that I was looking into the surgery. Most people are right there with me.. want to lend support, etc. Some people tho.. and mostly women.. seem to be a little on the negative side? I personally think that for some of them.. I am the "fat friend" or "fat relative" and they may not be comfortable with the fact that with my already fabulous personality.. I will now be skinny too. (Joking.) In hindsight, I wish I would have been more selective in who I talked about it with, because now people feel VERY comfortable with telling me about people they know who have gained all their weight back or that they are just sure this is going to fail me too. I think you are justified in telling who you like.. it is your life.
Like you, I am choosing not to tell very many people. My mom knows, my dh and one of my best friends. I dont know who else I will tell (even after surgery)...there are some that I dont ever want to know, so I will have to limit who I can tell, or else they might find out. As far as my coworkers go, they will know I am out for a few weeks, but they dont need to know why. I will probably just tell them all female issues if they pu****