Schlerotherapy on Friday
I am having a schlerotherapy performed on Friday at MMPC in Grand Rapids at 1:00 pm and I feel more nervous about this than I did the initial surgery--don't know why. Maybe it is because the doc said it would be really painful and so that statement has been playing over & over in my head the closer I get to the proceedure. So wish me well, say a few prayers and most of all cross your fingers!
Tracy Johnson
LAP RNY 3/14/2005
Weight Before: 389
Weight Now: 178
Loss: 211
LAP RNY 3/14/2005
Weight Before: 389
Weight Now: 178
Loss: 211
You are probably already there,
sorry I didn't read your post prior to your leaving for mmpc. As you know by now, the procedure is uncomfortable after, but during it, you don't feel a thing. You are sedated. Afterwards just take it easy, sip waters, thin soups, and eat soft things for a few days. Sorry you were nervous. WIsh I could have calmed your fears prior and hope that the sclero- has some benefit for you.
Amy H