Blue Care Network of MI- how long did it tak you to get approved?
Just curious. My PCP screwed up and didn't send in all the information they should have. The surgeon's office has now taken over and I know that she is the queen of getting approvals, but my surgery date is already scheduled for the 2nd.
So I'm curious if it took long for you to get an appoval once they got the paperwork/
H/C/G: 298/170.4/160 (H=5'5) @ Dr's goal 5/23/2012. Revison surgery 5/26/2011 convert from band to bypass due to slipped band.
Here's the fun part. I had them mail me the criteria. So I have the letter from the Nurse and the documentation that says "If BMI is over 50, then the 6 month medically supervised diet is waived.". I know all the information that you can find says 1 year minium diet and no waives, but my surgeon called and verified that the information that BCN sent me is correct. I guess they were just denying too many people and have started to adjust the rules. Luckily it IS a coverd benefit with my insurance, so it's not like I'm trying to get an exception.
I also have 2 6 month medically supervised diets in the past 4 years, so based on the information they sent me and told the dr's office, they shouldn't deny me.
BTW: I grew up in Auburn Hills...
H/C/G: 298/170.4/160 (H=5'5) @ Dr's goal 5/23/2012. Revison surgery 5/26/2011 convert from band to bypass due to slipped band.
Hopefully they did change. Have you checked how much out of pocket you have to pay? They waited til i was approved and told me i had to pay 50%. But then i found out my total out of pocket limit was a grand. I had secondary insurance though and they covered that. But in the end, blue care network was great, they paid a total of $300,000 for my surgery including complications.
I got approved by BC of MI within a few weeks of submitting. I was a "special consideration" case and what they wanted from me was my psych eval and clearance from the cardiologist that Dr. P wanted (from Barix in Ypsi) prior to approving me. I actually thought my approval process was quite smooth. I didn't have to go back for "seconds". However, I was quite unhealthy and on some bloodpressure meds. I think the heart issues encouraged them to give me special consideration. They never asked me for a supervised diet.
Hopefully between the new guidelines, already having a date, etc that it will be fast tracked. I've got all the stuff, they just have to give the stamp of approval.
The only draw back is the fact that my psych eval wasn't a 10 page doc. I had the test that said I would a good canidate and my psychologist wrote a short note that said I was cleared for the surgery and that a full report would be available the 1st week of Jan.
Soo... I think that might be the only stumbling block.
But my BMI at time of consult was over 50 (50.6 to be exact).. and I did 2 diets in the past 4 years with a dr. So there is really no reason that they have to deny me.
Keep your fingers crossed. We are hoping that we'll get an approval early next week (wed or thursday)
H/C/G: 298/170.4/160 (H=5'5) @ Dr's goal 5/23/2012. Revison surgery 5/26/2011 convert from band to bypass due to slipped band.