
on 11/25/07 3:00 pm - Millsboro, DE

Hi Shannon, Please, keep the drains in as long as something is draining into them each day.  My TT/BR was November 7 and I also had 4 drains, 2 on each side.  At my follow-up appointment on November 13, the doctor pulled all 4 drains out since less than 20cc were draining into each one by then.  OOPS!  I was back in there within 4 days to have another JP placed because the fluid accumulation made me feel and look 7 months pregnant.  When the doctor opened the incision in a couple of spots, the fluids just poured out all over the table under me.  I would say at least 150cc came out right then, and I had to empty the bulb about 4 times over the next 4 or 5 hours.  The new drain was in until the day after Thanksgiving.  The stitches holding it there had come loose and the tube would slip and move, causing air to get in and inflate the bulb, causing it to lose suction and be useless.  I had to keep wiggling it around and it made actual slurping noises!  I really thought it would just come out on it's own, so I called the doctor and he said to go ahead and snip the stitches and pull the tube out.  I was surprised at how many inches of tubing was still up in there, even though I was sure it was close to coming out.  The very top 6 inches or so is like that flat garden hose with holes in it.  In total, there was still about 12 inches of tubing inside, so it really wasn't in danger of falling out. My advice would be to keep them annoying drains as long as the bulbs are collecting 40cc or more COMBINED per day.  You'd be surprised how bad that little bit of fluid makes you feel when it's not draining out.   It just sits in there and your belly gets all bloated feeling and sounds like a drum, and feels like it will just bust open. I am starting to feel better now but still have times when I know there's fluid in there because it gets so tight feeling.  I put jeans on for the first time on Saturday.  The incisions that go around my ribs on each side from the BR keep opening when I stretch my arms too far, so those scars will be wide ones.  They will be hidden under there though.  The TT incisions look really good, but there's still a couple of open spots, which I goof around said to use a Q-tip and peroxide a couple of times a day and just swirl it around to keep any drainage moving.  Those spots are healing slowly but they look real good.  I tried laying on my tummy go just yet.  Even in water, I can't straighten out enough without feeling like I will split an incision.  It took about 2 weeks to be able to lay on either side, but at least I can do that now.  I've never been able to sleep on my back. Keep holding on, you're doing great.  The drains are annoying but without them, the fluid is even more annoying.  Good luck and keep us informed.  Take care. KathyG

on 11/25/07 3:24 pm - Millsboro, DE
I forgot a couple of things...1.) Your Binder.  Are you wearing it as much as possible?  It sure does help keep things supported and stops fluid accumulation.  Mine is itchy and hot but it does make me feel better. 2.) On a more personal note, the *unmentionable parts*.  I was very shocked at how much swelling there was in the mons area.  That sucker was huge!  Gravity is a wonderful thing, huh?  Even more alarming was the loss of sensation down there.  I mean, I knew for instance, that I had to pee, but the physical sensation at THAT spot was missing.  I could only feel the full bladder.  Upon further (ahem, blushing here) *experimentation*, Ed and I discovered that sexual sensation was also gone.  OMG, I was sure it would be forever since I knew that I never got feeling back under my gall bladder scar.  Was this going to be the case with my TT scar?  Was everything below that gonna be numb forever???  Panic button time.  I asked the doctor about that the day I went in for the replacement JP.  He just giggled and said "No, the feeling will come back."  Thankfully, he was right...I am slowly getting sensation there again.  It's still pretty dull, but it's there.  WHEW!  I was scared there for a little minute.  LOL. KathyG
shannon d
on 11/25/07 8:56 pm - MI
Kathy- Thanks so much for your story.  2 of the drain have been at 2.5 and the others around 10-20.  I dont want them out too soon either...I have not been swollen at all, and now am afraid when they come out I will balloon up.  :( I wear my binder 24/7 except when I am showering or it is being laundered. It feels so good when I wear it.  Like a second skin.  As far as sensations- I am feeling the usual numbness in the tummy etc. Thanks again for your input- I call this am to see if any can be taken out. Shannon












S W.
on 11/25/07 9:45 pm - MI
Having had a TT in October 2006, 4 drains and then a revision in May with 1 more drain I can assure you that our (meaning Shannon's and mine) plastic surgeon will not remove the drains until he deems it necessary! This post concerns me for someone to hear 1 week post op as something that would scare them into wondering if they should have the drains removed at all.  I know your best interest is at heart, but I don't see a real need to scare someone. The PS is top notch, and has been the most amazing surgeon I know and will take excellent care of Shannon and her drains as well.  They will not come out until he sees fit. That's all that was necessary to say.  Not all the scaring of excess fluid and that may have been a one time instance case or something that you have gone through but to post it here would scare me to even wanting at TT now. Positive reinforcement and of course, not sugar coating things is good but to scare someone that they need to keep the drains as long as possible-- that's going a little overboard! Dr. DiNick will take care of her.  And I know it from experience. She is IN excellent hands! Stacey W
on 11/26/07 4:34 am - Chelsea, MI
That's all that was necessary to say.  Not all the scaring of excess fluid and that may have been a one time instance case or something that you have gone through but to post it here would scare me to even wanting at TT now. Stacey, I know you have said what you've said out of concern for Shannon, but if the above were true, there would be no need for this type of website.  There is a memorials section on here.  Bad things do happen and it's good to know the good with the bad.   And yes, you have had more than one surgery with this surgeon, so YOUR experience is similar.  However, as good as your experience has been it may not be the same for Shannon, either.  Which is all I think the original poster was trying to do.  We all have different experiences and we all heal differently, or respond differently.  It would be of no use if all anyone did was post on here all their happy, positive outcomes..."sugar-coating", as you mention.  But then again, there's nothing wrong with saying, "Be careful, this is my experience...." You are right, though.  Ultimately, it's up to the doctor.  I don't think she had any bad intentions. She didn't say to keep them in as long as possible, just to keep them in if they are still draining.  I want the best for Shannon, as well.  I think Shannon can handle it.  She's a big girl, even though she doesn't have to wear "big girl panties" anymore....LOL


It takes courage to grow up and become who you really are.  ~e.e. cummings
S W.
on 11/26/07 4:56 am - MI
Tina, Good point.  Guess when I first read it I felt like it was a bit scary.  Thanks for pointing that out. Sorry Kathy if I was harsh in any way. SW
on 11/26/07 5:19 am - Chelsea, MI
It is (scary).  And while probably not a common occurrence, still her experience.  Can't begrudge her that.  I'm sure Shannon will be fine and Dr. DiNick will take the utmost care of her, as you've said. 


It takes courage to grow up and become who you really are.  ~e.e. cummings
shannon d
on 11/26/07 5:24 am - MI
Thank you both for caring so much about me..LOL I may get some drains out tomorrow!! Yippeeeeeee- hope I dont swell like the good year blimp!! S-












Brenda M.
on 11/26/07 7:39 am - Westland, MI

  Help!  Stacey!  Tina!  I'm trying to take Shannon for a pedicure and I can't get her up!!!!

on 11/26/07 8:06 am - Chelsea, MI
LMAO.....that is TOO funny.  We could call her Veruca Salt.  She does like blueberries...and she can be a snot........LOL I loves me shannon....she knows that! 


It takes courage to grow up and become who you really are.  ~e.e. cummings
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