Gallbladder issues
Well, I am starting to regret having my surgery. Since June, I have become hypoglycemic and HAVE to eat every three hours. I have had 2 episodes where I have completely blacked out. Now, I learn that I have gallstones and have to have my gallbladder removed. Cause of the gallstones, excessive rapid weight loss in a Female over 40.
So what is next.
Anyone else had problems with gallbladder? Did you have it removed or live working around it?
We write our own destiny. We become what we do.
The 5 F's for gallbladder risk
Fat, Female, Forty, Fair, Flatulant. Most of us have had those or have those risk factors for gall bladder problems. GET IT OUT!!! If you do it while you are well, they can do the surgery minimally invasive, if you wait until you get very sick, it is a much bigger surgery. Good Luck. Carol
There is no "live working around it" . Soon everything you put into your mouth is going to throw you into an attack. I had mine out years before wls, ended up with an attack that wouldn't go away. There was a stone stuck and i ended up having emergency surgery. Take care of it as soon as possible.
I had gall bladder issues before WLS but they were not able to remove it at that time (the insurance wouldn't pay for it). I had to have mine removed 5 months after surgery. Get it out now and it will be a cinch compared to your WLS.
Everything will be fine once it's out. I feel so much better since having mine removed.
Best of luck to you!
Your surgeon will probably order an ultrasound (if you haven't already had one) to see how many stones and where they are located. Then, they will schedule surgery. Hopefully they can do it sooner rather than later. I had to wait 2 weeks because of the surgery schedule.
Good luck to you!