CPAP questions...
I had 2 sleep studies and they have found i have chronic sleep apnea. Airway Oxygen called me today and told me i dont have DME (durable medical equip) coverage????? WHAT????? i called BCBS and they tell me they have NOT ONE individual insurance option that covers DME!?!?!?!
Anyone know if i can beg for them to cover it if i can get them to deem it medically necassary...i'd love to be able to sleep again..... *SIGHHHHHHH*
yeah... i called them and asked some woman (who seemed like i was asking the stupidest question in the world ) why they dont cover DME...she said "we just dont" and that was it....
i asked her why??... "we just dont"
that kinda pissed me
oh well...only one week till my internet appointment!!! yay!!!!!