CPAP questions...

Jennifer B.
on 11/11/07 8:46 am - Hastings, MI

I had 2 sleep studies and they have found i have chronic sleep apnea. Airway Oxygen called me today and told me i dont have DME (durable medical equip) coverage????? WHAT????? i called BCBS and they tell me they have NOT ONE individual insurance option that covers DME!?!?!?!

Anyone know if i can beg for them to cover it if i can get them to deem it medically necassary...i'd love to be able to sleep again..... *SIGHHHHHHH*

S W.
on 11/11/07 9:25 pm - MI
Only thing I can think of is to write an appeal letter and get the hospital to state that this CPAP is medically necessary for you. BCBS of MI BLUE PPO?   Contact them again and ask to speak to a supervisor and discuss this again. Don't let we dont have an option stop you.  If you need the CPAP then keep on them.  Appeal process does take time...
on 11/12/07 1:25 am - onaway, MI
Hi,  I used to have chronic sleep apnea before I had surgery.  I have BCN and they paid for everything. They even paid for new masks every 6 months if needed.  I would try to get to a supervisor and get to the bottom of it.  Also, I don't use my machine anymore and if you think you could use it and get the insurance co to pay for a new hose and mask I would be happy to send it to you. Let me know, Joni

Shawna S.
on 11/12/07 9:13 am - Lansing, MI
Interesting....Maybe they could bill it another way? I have BCBS and just had all but $275 of my $1900 CPAP machine covered by insurance.  Maybe you can appeal it?  Good Luck!
Laura C.
on 11/12/07 9:27 am - Okemos, MI
I have been using a CPAP since February paid for by BCBS.  I have to pay 10% of supplies but they send me new nose pillows and tubing every month. I would check into this further.
Jennifer B.
on 11/12/07 12:11 pm - Hastings, MI

thank you to all *****sponded... im gonna call them tomarrow and check things out about it....doesnt seem right...

thanks again!!!

on 11/12/07 7:18 pm - Mason, MI

I have BCBS that I pay for too and I don't have any DME coverage.  I wish you the best in trying to get the insurance to cover it.



Jennifer B.
on 11/14/07 10:45 am - Hastings, MI

yeah... i called them and asked some woman (who seemed like i was asking the stupidest question in the world ) why they dont cover DME...she said "we just dont" and that was it....

i asked her why??... "we just dont"

that kinda pissed me

oh well...only one week till my internet appointment!!! yay!!!!!

on 11/16/07 12:38 am - Lansing, MI
You might want to call and ask for a supervisor.  Be sure to get everyone's name you've talked to.  It doesn't make any sense why they wouldn't have DME coverage.  DME's are also for getting other equipment, such as oxygen.  I wonder if the DME coverage is limited to certain diseases. 
Jay K.
on 11/15/07 1:04 pm - Madison Heights, MI
that is soooooo stupid.  they would rather pay for all the consequences of sleep apnea than to prevent it... what morons.  i hate insurance companies. 

"See God, Kai"
-John S01EP3

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