We made it ti Arizona. What a week it's been
We arrived at our house last Friday about 1:30. We had left New Mexico at 4:30 a.m. and we made good time. We got the dogs all settled in their new house and Larry and I went in search of a Walmart or Lowes so we could pick up a few essentials. On the way, I spied a Motor Vehicles Bureau so I pulled in and got the car inspected and then we went inside for tags (our Michigan tags expired in 2 days) and our new Arizona drivers license. We couldn't get the driver license because we didn't have our birth certificates with us. Evidently they don't accept MI license because you don't have to show a birth certificate or passport to get one. We did get the license for our car. Anyone who thinks they're paying too much for license plates should know that a 1 year plate for a 2007 Ford Focus wagon was $284.00 or $573.00 for 2 years. Our drivers license on the other hand, cost us $10 each because we're senior citizens.
Friday night was uneventful except the pool guy stopped by and said that sometime that week, the pool motor had burned up. Whoopee, that's another $465.00.
Saturday was a real fun day. I was outside when I noticed the pool water moving. I thought to myself, the pool motor is burned up, why is the pool water moving. I walked over there and Eli was desparately trying to swim and about the time I saw him, he went straight down to the bottom. I hollered for Larry but he didn't hear me. I jumped in and grabbed Eli and shoved him up on the pool desk. I pounded his back and chest and he came out of it. Afterwards, I was walking out of the pool and felt my pocket and my cell phone was in there. Uh, oh fried cell phone or so I thought. I hurried and took the battery and sim chip out and put it in the nice AZ sun. Periodically I'd turn it over so it would get baked through and through. Finally, it was all dry but it wouldn't work. Hmmm, I hooked up the charger and it tried to charge the phone. Oh well, it was worth it just to save Eli. On Monday, I stopped in at Verizon Wireless and they checked the phone out. The battery was toast but the phone was ok. $40 later, my phone worked. Yahoo!!!!
Sunday we decided to work on putting the refrigerator into the cubbyhole. Larry had to cut out about an inch of wood next to and above the fridge. This went very well. I was going to hook up the icemaker to the outlet so I turned off the shut off valve and took off the cap on the line. OMG, it was like Boulder dam giving way. There was water gushing out as fast as it could go. I kept turning the shut off every which way but no luck. My kitchen is flooding!!! I finally ran outside and located the house shutoff valve. Water is off but heading down the tile floors to the bedroom carpet. Yikes. Larry grabs the broom and I grab the dustpan and here we are putting water into the cooler. We finally got the water down to a manageable level so I hurried up to Lowes and got a wet dry vac. This took all the rest of the water out and dried the floors nicely. One way to look at the mess was that I didn't have to mop the floors (like I really was going to do that, lol). The rest of Sunday night was unevenful and we even went out for chinese.
Monday we worked around the house. Tuesday, I went and bought some ceiling fans thinking we could install them ourselves. Well, there was so much other stuff to do (like take care of the YIKES!!! room) that I looked in the Sun City yellow pages and found a handyman. He didn't happen to be busy so he came right over and installed the fans. As we were talking, we started on all the stuff we wanted to do. #1 on the list was to get the water shut off fixed. No problem, he could do that. Then ther was the wall between the living room and kitchen. We wanted to take it down halfway and put a counter on. No problem, he can do that. Well, one thing led to another and he's still here. It seems that the electrical in the house is all messed up and was even worse once the installer for the dishwasher came. Larry and I spent the day removing wallpaper and priming the YIKES!! room. It actually looks nice now. Wednesday, we moved all of our bedroom furniture to that room and we sure have enough room now.
Last night as I was cleaning the electric cooktop off with a damp sponge. I got one hell of a jolt. The stupid installer had disconnected a ground and I found out the hard way. This morning, I made breakfast on the stove with no problem but when I had the water running to wash dishes, I went to grab the metal handle of the frying pan on the stove and thought I was on top of an electrical pole. That current went right through me. Thank goodness it was me and not Larry with his defribilator or he could be dead or his defib damaged to the tune of $25,000. :bang: I have an electrician here now fixing the problem and documenting so I can contact Lowes installers and have them pay the bill.
I went and picked up my paperwork today for my job starting Monday. I really need to get to work to rest and quit hurting myself. My fingers are so torn up and bruised that they don't work right anymore.
Bariatric University - Bariatric Coach
Bariatric University - Bariatric Coach