Low B-12
I have the same problem but I only have to take the vitamin 1000 iu once daily.
I know tomatoes and mushrooms are really good foods to eat. I tend to love mushrooms anyways so this was easy for me. I am not sure about any other foods.
Just a piece of mind though after a couple of months of taking the vitamin my levels were back to normal and just needed a kickstart.
There is something called intristic factor with B12 which means we don't get it from food or swallowed pills anymore. Sublingual is the way to go, once they have you back to good levels. just tiny, little pink pills, no one will know that you are dosing yourself unless you drool a bit of the pinkness. I do one a week and my levels are good. B12 is water soluable so no worries about overdoses.
well that's a good reminder to the rest of us that just because things have been fine, does not mean we can stop checking.
I had that problem when i was newly altered. i was getting injections every week and it didn't help until i started taking the sublinguals. Now i'm good without them. I was told that after a year we start adapting and start absorbing vitamins, nutrients and yes, calories in spite of the bypass which is why i'm okay now i guess. Not sure why you've gone the other way but it's definitely something for all of us to keep in mind.
Thanks for sharing this info with us, Jon.
"See God, Kai"
-John S01EP3
Hi Jon,
I have low vitamin B-12 and B-1. I give myself injections once a week for B-12; 3 times a week for B-1. Found out lack of B-1 interfears with weight loss, causes nerve damage; and other serious side effects. B-12 lack of energy. Best wishes Jon; please keep on top of this it is very serious! Not sure about foods with the B's. Hugs, Judy R
Go to Meijer. Buy the liquid sub-lingual B complex stuff. Dose it for two weeks like it says and then half a dropper three times a week.
You'll be back up in no time. You might want to start an iron supplement too like Ironchele from GNC.
Or try some crack.
"Go sell crazy somewhere else; we're all stocked up here."