Insurance Question
Most insurances have what is called a stoploss or out of pocket max. What this means is that your 20% responsibilty reaches a certain point - BCBS would pay at 100% of the approved amount.
Example: A person has a 500.00 deductible. After that deductible has been met, your clais are paid at 80% of the approved amount with a 20% coinsurance. The 20% coinsurance is the patient's responsibility. When their 20% responsiblity totals 1200.00 the claims are now paid at 100% of the approved amount for the remainder of the year. Your total out of pocket for the year is $1700.00. The 500,00 ded and the 1200 stoploss or coinsurance maximum.
If your doctor does not participate with BCBS, you will be responsible for any balance between the doctor's charged amount and the BCBS approved amount. Call your customer service department. Ask them - 1. Is Dr. English a participating physician? 2. What is your out of pocket coinsurance maximum. 3. How much of this out of pocket coinsurance maximum is remaining.
The answer to #3 will be what you owe.
If you have any other questions, let me know.