Barix Clinic Question

on 10/23/07 10:37 am - Belleville, MI

Hi. I'm new here. I was wondering, Does the Barix Clinic perform the Lap Band surgery?

shannon d
on 10/23/07 11:01 am - MI
I think so but have you looked into the U of M Program? Call me if you want to come to one of our info sessions.  What insurance do you have?  My number is 734-647-6685.  Come to an info session to hear about our program :) Shannon












on 10/23/07 12:19 pm - Belleville, MI
Thank you shannon. I just want the best possible care. I haven't looked into the U of M hospital but I am willing. What is a good time to call? I have BCBS Lumenos. I called today to ask if the cover and they do with pre auth and of course the normals hoops you jump through. My number is 734-272-1776. Thanks for the response. Tyra
shannon d
on 10/24/07 1:25 am - MI
Tyra- Call me today after 2pm and we can get you registered for an information session with us :) Shannon












Pam Eilf
on 10/23/07 11:46 am - Pinconning, MI
Yes they do.  They have some wonderful surgeons and support there.  It doesn't hurt to check out two or three drs before making a decision.  I did and was glad I did.

   We write our own destiny.  We become what we do.

on 10/23/07 12:12 pm - sterling heights, MI
Hi. Barix does both lap band and  gastric bypass. They will ask you what you are leaning toward and give you info on both types and tell you what would be more beneficial to you. I just recently was approved and now I am waiting for surgery to be scheduled. Good luck in whatever procedure you decide. Michele
on 10/23/07 12:15 pm - Belleville, MI
Thank you so much. I just found out that my insurance. LumenosBCBS does cover the surgery. 'm trying to really do my research..
on 10/24/07 12:23 am - sterling heights, MI

Hi, Tyra. I  have Lumenos BC/BS also. They approve fast. After I had all my documentation. Barix submitted on Oct. 4th and I was approved on Oct.9th. If you have any questions on what I submitted let me know. Do you work for HCR? I was curious cause thats who I work for and as far as I know they are the only ones who have Lumenos. Well any questions just  ask.  Michele

on 10/24/07 12:27 am - Belleville, MI

Its a small world Michelle. I work for HCR. Hospice in Ann Arbor. I think they are the only ones with lumenos. I have lots of questions but I'll start small. lol What did you have to summit to them and how long did the process take from your first consult? I'm so nervous and all my friends are small and so against this. My fiancee is so supportive though.

on 10/24/07 8:07 am - sterling heights, MI
I work at Danto in W. Bloomfield.  Well my initial consult was alittle over 2 yrs ago but then I changed my mind and was like "I was able to  lose the weight before I can do it again" didnt work out that way. Well I decided WLS was the last resort so I had my consult in April 2007 with Dr. Kam.  We have to have a letter from our doc stating that he recommends the surgery.... make sure it says that "you have been on a medically supervised diet for 12 consecutive months", 5 yr weight history( diets, weigh-ins, labs my doc added those just in case), nutritional eval( had mine done over the phone with Barix nutritionist),  and psych eval. The psychologist I went to is St. Clair Shores if you want her number. I had most of my paperwork done by end of June except for my 2nd session with psych.  I was busy with work, sons graduation, etc. but finally had that completed at the of August.  The original psych eval was submitted to Barix mid Sept, but must have got lost in  the paperwork shuffle so I had her fax it to them at the end of Sept. Barix submitted everything on Oct 4th and I was approved on Oct. 9th received the official letter on Oct 18th and faxed it over to Barix. now just waiting for Dr. Kam to sign off on it so I can be scheduled.  I probably would have been approved in June if I would have completed psych eval sooner. My family and everyone I work with is so supportive.  Well if you have any other questions you can email at [email protected] Michele
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