finished the half marathon
Well, I actually finished the half marathon, thanks to the woman that walked the last three miles with me, and gave each other encouragment. It was a lot harder than I thought, but I DID IT. It was awsome walking over the Ambassader Bridge and back through the tunnel, and I made it to that tunnel with about five minutes to spare. lol that was the biggest worry for me, as you only have two and a half hours to walk the eight miles. i started with about 500 to 1000 people behind me, and ended up in the last chance to the tunnel group, but did it. Next time i'll wear shoes a little bigger than i need, which someone told me is recommended, as my feet swelled really bad and i have a huge blister on both of my baby toes. but, i'm happy proud and tired. walking in canada was really peaceful, and i am soo happy i did it. going train more for next year, and someday run the hal***** a really nice medal, and when the pictures are ready i'll buy one, and post it here.
lap rny 6-5-2007
Dr. Michael Wood
Awesome!!! You had a great day for it too! Sorry about the blisters. Find yourself a good running shoe store and be fitted as the shoes make a world of difference. Even for walkers. It isn't only about a larger size it is also about the instep etc and those off the shelf shoes from the mall stores just don't cut it. The specialty running shoe stores are a bit pricier too but are so worth it.
Again congratulations!