How long were you off from work & what do you do for a living?
1. How long were you off from work?
I did work the very first weekend I was home, but my focus is finnishing my 4 year and hope to return winter semester!
2.What kind of work do you do?
Being a college student in Michigan I take what I can get. Currently, I correct papers for my father (a PI), and I work on his website, as well as, keep track of payroll/taxes for my father's and another family buisness. Sounds like a lot, but it isn't.
3.Do you wish you could have taken more or less time off?
Again, I'm a student and I've taken 2-3 years off of that pursuit to refocus on surgery and to get other things "squared" away. I'm also 22 currently, so I'm ready to go back! But, if I hadn't taken that amount of time off one full semester of recoup time is plenty. I currently have a seroma I'm working on getting healed, so I'm being extra careful, but if I didn't have that I'd good to go right now.
I was off for 2 weeks, only because my job requires heavy lifting. (I make signs and some of the substrates are 4' x 8' x 1/2" pieces of wood.) My job also requires lots of pulling. After 2 weeks, I went back to work but made sure I didn't do any heavy lifting.
Good luck to you! Your date will be here before you know it.
For my chitlin fixin I was off for the summer.
For my TT two years ago Saturday I was off 4 weeks. It should have been 6.
For my scar revision two weeks.
I am a teacher. A band director specifically.
I should have taken every bit of the time for the TT. It was painful but my administration is so weak they couldn't handle it. The same thing when I was out for a tumor surgery in 94. I had to go back because they are worthless and don't hire subs that can control a class.
"Go sell crazy somewhere else; we're all stocked up here."
1) How long were you off from work? a month (side had weird burning pain 3 weeks out, then knew I had the dr apt a day I'd work, so I kept it off lol)
2) What kind of work do you do? work in a big blue and yellow building
3) Do you wish you could have taken more or less time off? Less, but oh man that side issue was kicking my butt, and didn't know if they'd make me lift huge boxes or not, so I didn't pu****