Get together
since we couldn't get it together for an october get together i'm a bit hesitant to bring this up again but i was wondering if anyone is up for doing a visit to Second City Detroit (in Novi) as a November get together? That kind of thing is always more fun with a large group and we could all certainly use a night out filled with laughs and ****tails. whatdayathink?
"See God, Kai"
-John S01EP3
Be careful if you buy tickets through ticketmaster online. I bought tickets to a comedy show in K-zoo recently (I buy LOTS of things online, so I'm quite familiar with all the quirks, etc.). I did it online. I bought 2. I got a message that it didn't go through and I had to go back and order them again. So I went back. Ordered two tickets, double checked my information to make sure I entered it all correctly. Got the same message that it didn't go through. 3rd time, went back to the homepage, ordered two tickets, triple checked my info...hit went through. Got the message that I would receive a confirmation email. SO, I checked my email...and I had THREE confirmation emails for 6 tickets....3 orders...two tickets each.
I called ticketmaster and had to jump through hoops to return them, so I just took my sister and Bro-in-law and their friends. careful! Tina
It takes courage to grow up and become who you really are. ~e.e. cummings |