How much Iron
Hi, I was feeling really weak. My restless leg syndrome was getting bad. Muscles hurt so bad and I had no energy. I knew something was wrong. When my family Dr checked my blood she found my hemoglobin rather low. She reffered me to see an Oncologist. He cheked my blood and my ferritin levels. They were both very very low. I had to get iron infusions 3 times a week, for 2 months. Then I had a month off to see if the levels stuck. Of coarse they are slowely dropping. I start back on infusions in December. The Dr thinks I'll have to have them every 3 months or so. Probably for life. After surgery we just dont absorb like we use to at all. I think you should have your Dr do a blood screen and ask them to make sure they check your Ferritin level (family Dr.s don't normally check that, but they can). After I started infusions it took me almost 4 weeks to feel better. And after the infusions themselves I was very sore. I hope all is well. If you do need infusions, make sure you get them. It will make a difference and you will feel better. I hope that helps a little bit.
Have A Good Day!