2nd week menu (M)
I have my second week post-op appt with Dr Foote next Tuesday. I know I will not be on the packaged stuff anymore.. what will I be eating?? I dont know what to expect, and I still have to stock the fridge. Right now, all I have in my house is the packaged stuff, and water. Please let me know if you know, so I can get some ideas and a heads up. I'm sure my nut will tell me on Tuesday, but I want to have an Idea before.
Thanks !!
on 10/10/07 11:07 am - Grand Rapids, MI
on 10/10/07 11:07 am - Grand Rapids, MI
WOW--2 weeks already!! The NUT will give you a handout...but you'll be on soft foods...cream soups, cottage cheese, yogurt, mashed potatoes, SF pudding/jello, oatmeal, scrambled eggs, etc. The NUT will also go over what you will be able to have at 4 weeks (not much difference between the two).
Thanks for the quick responce. Yes it will be 2 weeks in one week. This week has gone by fast!! Okay I can handle all the food you mentioned. But non of them really have protein in them. Do i get to add protein powder? I bought 6 HUGE canisters of unjury protein powder. 2 chocolate, 2 vanilla, 1 strawberry, and one non flavored. Do I get to start the prenatel vitamin too? I know I will learn all this next week, but I'm just nosey now..
on 10/10/07 10:12 pm - Grand Rapids, MI
on 10/10/07 10:12 pm - Grand Rapids, MI
Oh yeah, you will rely heavily on your protein powders to get the protein! I added it to soups, pudding, etc. But something about knowing that protein powder was in it made me want to gag (still does)...be careful with unjury when adding to hot things as it will clump!
If you are on any medications and have been instructed to crush them, you will be allowed to take them whole. This was a welcomed change! You will also get your Rx for prenatals.
I can't think of anything else right off hand..I'm at work right now...if you have any other questions I'll "consult" my handout when I get home. Glad your feeling well!
Thank you so much. This has helped tremendously!! I cannot wait until I can take my RX whole! LOL they taste like crap! Do you still take your Flinstones complete vitamins? I think they said we have to be on them for ever.
I am feeling great sept for a bum knee. I'm going to call my PCP to get an order for an X-ray. I cannot go on like this anymore. Okay, enough whining!
Thanks for the info!
on 10/11/07 10:03 am - Grand Rapids, MI
on 10/11/07 10:03 am - Grand Rapids, MI
Nope..no more Flintstones and I miss them!! I think they taste like candy. I was told I could take the Flintstones now instead of the prenatal because of my ulcer....but I just stayed with the prenatal--somehow I think it's better. Although I don't think there is much of a difference. You'll miss the Flinstones--the prenatal are HUGE!
At my 6 week check, I asked Randy about taking prenatals (I posted a question about it since most people take OTC vitamins) and he said that there are studies being conducted and this protocol will more than likely be re-evaluated at some point but to continue taking the prenatals (Just a little FYI). It's the prenatals we need to be on for life.
Here is a good Sugar Free Instant pudding recipe for protein.
1 pkg of SF Instant pudding
2 cups of Fat Free Milk
1/2 cup of fat free dry milk
Mix it up. Put in fridg.
1/2 cup equals
9.5 grams of protein
Fat Free Cottage Cheese has 14 grams of protein for a 1/2 cup...so there is protein in these things.
Pre-Op~312 Post-Op~299 Current~206 Goal~150 1/17/07