I dump, therefor I am

on 9/26/07 11:31 pm - Mt Pleasant, MI
Kevin shorry you are feeling so pukey, luckily I haven't hit that stage yet, hopefully I won't but I am sure my day will come.  I haven't really hit that full feeling yet either but I am trying to take it reasonably.  I feel a whole lot better today.  I am hoping that if I still feel good this afternoon I can make to my daughters cc match again.  I had to miss one on Tuesday, she was bummed but was very understanding too.  you know how 12 year olds can be. lol.
on 9/27/07 1:17 am - MI
Step lightly and drink water. kp
"Go sell crazy somewhere else; we're all stocked up here."
on 9/27/07 4:39 am
I'm glad to hear that those of you who have been doing this a while still make mistakes in what you eat. I know I feel so stupid sitting by the toilet when I should have known better.  Kevin, you said your limit is 7 grams an hour. Is that 7 grams of sugar? How did you figure that out?  I know that the dietitian warned about dumping syndrone, but she talked about sugar grams. I seem to have problems when I combine too much sugar and too much fat.  It also seems to be getting worse. I know that the first couple of months after my surgery I didn't feel anything at all. Then at about 2 1/2 months I tried something that made me feel sickish, and now at 31/2 months if I eat the wrong thing I can just be miserable for a hour or so, ending with sort of dry heaves.  Also, I'm sorry to get graphic, but would someone explain what is meant by "foamies"?
on 9/27/07 8:21 am - MI
On September 27, 2007 at 11:39 AM Pacific Time, Indalita wrote:
I'm glad to hear that those of you who have been doing this a while still make mistakes in what you eat. I know I feel so stupid sitting by the toilet when I should have known better.  Kevin, you said your limit is 7 grams an hour. Is that 7 grams of sugar? How did you figure that out?  I know that the dietitian warned about dumping syndrone, but she talked about sugar grams. I seem to have problems when I combine too much sugar and too much fat.  It also seems to be getting worse. I know that the first couple of months after my surgery I didn't feel anything at all. Then at about 2 1/2 months I tried something that made me feel sickish, and now at 31/2 months if I eat the wrong thing I can just be miserable for a hour or so, ending with sort of dry heaves.  Also, I'm sorry to get graphic, but would someone explain what is meant by "foamies"?
Trial and error on the amount. I went three then moved up two at a time till I got sick. When I hit 9 and felt sick I backed to 7 to see what would happen. What works today may not tomorrow. Fat and/or carbs will get you too. Dumping can come in two forms. Some people think they are dumping when they are really just spiking their insulin. kp
"Go sell crazy somewhere else; we're all stocked up here."
Linda Ton
on 9/27/07 9:54 am - Pontiac, MI

i didn't dump til i was 20 months post op, until then i could eat anything i wanted and was slipping.  If i mix carbs like bread with too much fat or greasy food i dump big time.    Foamies is when you start coughing up all this stuff kinda like phlemn.     Linda

on 9/27/07 10:00 am
Thanks for all the good information.  I have gotten really bad about writing down what I am eating. It sounds like I should start doing that again. Maybe if I had it written down I would understand better what is causing my dumping.  And I understand the foamies now. I think that has happened the last two time I had dumping, but I didn't know it had a name. 
shannon d
on 9/27/07 8:59 am - MI
What is the h202 treatment?  My dogs have done that before and I didnt know there was a remedy.  Sorry you dumped- I still do too after 3 yrs..but not as much. S-












on 9/27/07 12:24 pm - MI
For my dogs size I gave her 1/4 cup of hydrogen peroxide every ten minutes till she puked it all up. kp
"Go sell crazy somewhere else; we're all stocked up here."
shannon d
on 9/27/07 10:43 pm - MI
Yikes- is that safe??  I know chocolate isn't but yikes....how did u feed it to her?  LOL  Poor doggy!!












on 9/28/07 3:09 am - MI

Vet recommended. With an eye dropper.



"Go sell crazy somewhere else; we're all stocked up here."
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