Hi Everyone !
I am sooooooooooo sorry I haven't been on in so long ! I went back to work full-time and just been swamped, which is great but I miss seeing how everyone is doing here. A little update on myself then I want everyone to catch me up on what i've missed with them, newbies and oldies (LOL)?? Okay so I am at 5 months out and down 77lbs ! I feel out of this world ! Been some bumps in the road but I think that is normal? I only have 15 more to goal. Work (i'm a hairstylist) is awesome, I can actually stand on my feet 8-10 hrs per day and it doesn't bother me. Oh, my 5 y/o wanted to play soccer this summer/fall so I signed her up, they needed a coach so I said what the heck... yepp ME as a coach LOL But if I hadn't lost all this weight there would have been no way I could have done it, running around with them feels so good ! I am already thinking about plastic surgery - not like tomorrow or anything but probably after the new year. I can't believe how much excess skin in my belly area I have ! not to mention my breasts ! holy moly ! so if anyone has any advice for surgery or not or whatever... would be greatly appreciated. Okay your turn........... I hope you all are doing well ! I am sure everyone is doing terrific but I wanna hear it from you ! talk to you all soon {{{{hugs}}}}
Rona, it's nice to see you again. Wow, you're doing great. I had surgery in July for a facelift. I wanted to do the tummy tuck but the plastic surgeon wanted me at goal for at least 6 months to make sure I don't lose any more weight. Well, he was right. Since then I lost another 10 pounds and I seem to not be "at goal" yet even though I'm over a year out. It wouldn't hurt to have a consult with a PS (most of them are free). This way, they'll tell you how much longer (if any) you have to wait. That's great that you are a coach. I bet your daughter never thought you'd be her coach. Isn't the new life great?
Certified OH Support Group Leader
Bariatric University - Bariatric Coach
Bariatric University - Bariatric Coach