very painful incision area
I am 3 1/2 weeks out. I was doing great until last Tues. My incision on the left side of my bellybutton started stinging like bee stings. It is now very painful when I walk or stand. I went for a CT scan and they tell me everything is ok that it is nerves healing or scar tissue.. This pain is terrible. I have a very high pain tolerance normally. I quit taking all pain meds 2 days post op. Now am back on them and not getting much walking in due to extreme pain. Has anyone else had this? If so what did you do for it?
I'm 6 weeks out and still dealing with some infection issues. The only complication I've had is a infection on the same incision that you're talking about. It was explained to me that this is the one that will 90% of the problems (when problems come up). I am on my second round of antibiotics and just got a call from my PCP which means that I'm probably going to be going on a different antibiotic (that's the only reason why they'd call me). The first round had cleaned up the infection until it started 'oozing' again about 2 weeks ago. I was told as long as it was draining that was a good sign but after 5 weeks I decided enough was enough.
I'd get to either your surgeon or your PCP again as it may be an abcess forming that just isn't visable quite yet.
good luck!
Thanks for your replies. I had a CT scan last Friday because they suspected a hernia. They are saying no infection, hematoma or hernia. They are saying it is nerve endings healing or scar tissue, but I would think if it was nerve endings it would be constant. This is only when I stand or walk. sitting there is no pain at all...I go back to the Dr tomorrow for my 3 week out. I have a extremely high pain tolerance. I was off pain meds 3 days out. This is kicking my butt.