looking for a specific Dr Foote patient!!
okay... I was nosing around on here on other people's blogs, and I came across this VERY interesting person, and I cannot find her anymore. She had surgery with Dr Foote when Dr Foote just started out in like 2001 or 2002 .. She was very detailed in her blogs and they were extremely long. and put down her hosptial experience in FINE detail I just want to find her to read over her blogs again. I dont remember if she has an avitar pic or not, but she did have some pic's on her profile. Are you this person?? This person was over 40 maybe in her 50's or 60's.. Sorry hope I am not incorrect about the age... I just really want to find her and read her blogs again. I hope I m not looking over her on my friends list. This is all I know about this lady.. Please help me... :O)
Thanks Jodi :O)