
on 9/23/07 2:30 am - MI
You gals are right! He doesn't deserve my time and effort of explaining! I have already set the precedence as far as time off from work goes...He already knows that I may have to take time off of work in the future for a "different" surgery... He is of course a skinny man with an overweight wife and has made all of these comments in reference to her and I feel if he is that judgemental about her (someone that he supposedly loves and is the mother of his children) then how in the hell would he ever respect me and my choice to have WLS? He already scrutinizes me if I go to the vending machine or drink a pop all under the guise of "you say you want to get healthy but that doesn't look healthy to me" I just want to say BUTT OUT! I bet if his wife did end up getting WLS he would sure enjoy her physique afterwards! Can we say chauvenistic? Kay
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