October Get together
Hey all
So we need to get this planned out..give me some ideas..we can do this corn maze thing with hayrides: http://www.funacrescornmaze.com/
We can go to a bar or bowling-or karaoke-always fun to watch people!
Thinking weekend of the 20th or possibly the 13th?
Give me some ideas-who wants to come etc etc.
Here's another place that might work too. It has a haunted house, spooky hayride and haunted corn fields for those who want that plus it has a maze that sounds like it is not haunted. Concession stand for eatng, firepits to sit around and free parking.
It's located in Fowlerville which isn't far from Howell.
The 13th works best for me....but of course majority rules. I can travel anywhere within reason, and I am up for anything except for haunted house, but don't mind waiting for those who want to do it. I don't know if DH will be able to come due to babysitting issues, but we'll try. It seems there aren't many that can make it on the 20th.
I don't know about october but if anyone wants to get together in November and help celebrate my b-day i'm voting for this concert.
I haven't seen them since '85 at this show
Hey KP, do you remember the Cameo Theater and Richard Shelter by any chance?
"See God, Kai"
-John S01EP3
To me it sounds like they have an "adventure" maze that is not haunted just challenging. The barn and fire pit doesn't sound haunted either.
this is from the website:
Are you more the adventurous type and don't care to be scared? Try our 26-acre Super Maze. Challenge your friends to see who can escape first.
Bring the kids and have them hang out in our one-of-a-kind refurbished barn. Refreshments, video games, slides and moonwalk will entertain them for hours.
On good weather nights, sit by our fire pit and chat about how you survived.
"See God, Kai"
-John S01EP3