Every since surgery, I have been finding bruises all over and don't know why I'm getting them. Someone here at work said to have my iron checked. What do you all say? I don't know if they understand me as a gastric bypass patient and would like to hear from someone going through the same thing. Other than this, I feel great!!!! Laura
I was on blood thinners in the hospital, but that was 2 months ago. You would think that would be out of my system. LORD only know. It looks like someone had me by the arms really tight. That isn't the case though. That is just the one arm. The other has a couple of bruises and I found a couple on my leg...just the one and not the other. Thanks for your reply and I will let you know what the doctor says tomorrow as I will be calling him. I see him in 3 weeks anyways, but I will see if he wants me in sooner or what his plans will be. Talk to you later.