My tummy tuck....
Hello Kim ,
I had my tummy tuck done with Dr.Di Nick in april he is great!!! He took 13 1/2 pounds off of my tummy & arms .as for pain thats what the pain pump is for . But when I first got up out of bed was the hard part because they want you to walk right away . DON'T STAND UP ALL THE WAY BECAUSE YOUR TUMMY IS TO TIGHT TO DO THAT !BUT HANG IN THERE IT'S WORTH EVERYTHING .
Hey there Kimberlina I had my anchor cut abdominalplasty done May 25 by Dr. DiNick at Barix in Ypsi. It was supposed to be included with a LBL, butt augmentation, and medial thighlift....but he was ubable to finish me up til 10 days ago. Just had the tummy tuck, and you can count me in as another more than pleased patient of his, Immediately post op they will have you remain in bed in a semi reclining position. You will have your garment on, an IV, incisional pain pump, and foley cath so just lay there and enjoy the nursing care. They do an outstanding job. Respiratory therapy will come by to start your deep breathing and coughing. (Its a good thing to start doing them when you get your spirometer at pre op tedting so you'll be able to get a handle on it post op). Be sure to hold tight to a pillow or towel against your tummy, cause it really does hurt (....but then hurtin' is good cause you;re not gonna get pneumonia!!). When you get the go ahead get out of bed and get moving even though it's about the last thing you'll want to do. Moving helps prevent bood clots and gets your system back in swing. When you get up you will be told not to stand straight, but don't worry you'll have no intention of doing that!!! It took me a while before I was able to. Be sure when you get home to remember to take your pain meds. Keeping on top of pain is a lot better than letting it sneak up on you. Take your colace so you don't get constipated from the pain meds...Drinking lots of fluids helps too. OK now the BEST part....the first time you peek under the covers and feel for where your tummy used to be...Its GONE!!! Thats gonna be one llasting memory for me!! Dr. DiNick is a perfectionest and an awesome surgeon. I still can't believe I have a waistline, a cute bellybuyyon, and not an extra ounce of hanging skin....I lost 2 pant sizes and have absolutely no regrets. WLS took about a year to feel the way I did in one day. Best wishes to you Denise