What kind of notes from my Dr.?
I have heard of people who have went through a year of Dr. supervised diets only to find out the doctors notes were not detailed enough thus they were rejected for their wls. My question is what do most insurance want or what detail do they want from my doctor? I've told my doctor that the insurance will be picky and want detailed notes, his reply was don't worry about it, he's done this before. But the thing is he tells me I don't need to come in every 2 weeks or every month for that matter just to come in when I have some other issue and he will make a note of my progress, also when I go in he dosen't take my weight from a scale he just asks what my weight is. Is this enough or should I ask him to do more? If so what? Any advise will be very helpful. thanks - Mike
This is not enough. Your doctor needs to document what type of "diet" plan you are on - such as low fat, calorie restriction, weigh****cher point system, etc. He also needs to document recommendations - did you keep a food journal - did he review it. Also an excercise log. What did he recommend for exercise and what did you do. Also MONTHLY weigh ins. - you are paying him, so he needs to do as you ask.
Your insurance company may have a form that they require completed at every visit. Blue Care Network has one on Web-Denis in the provider publictions and resources section he can look at to see how detailed it needs to be.
Some insurances are more picky than others. Make sure you talk with them to find out exactly what they need.
It sounds to me like your doctor doesn't want you to have wls. He isn't doing what's required. You are in charge here, demand more. Monthly weigh ins, what type of diet and exercise, exact weight every month, not what you tell him. If he isn't going to do it properly , you're wasting your time. You may need to find a new pcp who is wls friendly. Good luck. Linda
Call your insurance company and get the exact wording (in writing) about the requirements for WLS approval. I have BCBS and the requirements are extensive for the diet documentation portion --- including nutrition counseling, exercise therapy/counseling, exploring the possibilities of weight loss drugs, the specific diet you're following and monthly/regular weigh-ins, blood pressure checks and some other stuff I can't remember. So all those things need to be recorded by your doctor. If your insurance company requires that you are AT your doctors office every single month, then that's what you need to do --- make a year's worth of appointments all at once. If your insurance company doesn't require every single month... then make sure you're there at least quarterly for the notes documentation.
Maybe your doctor just doesn't realize all the documentation that is required for the insurance approval. Make sure you let him know what YOU need. Remember, he works for you and you pay his bills. Not the other way around.
I would recommend visiting OH's Insurance Forums - there's a lot of great advice there. But above all else... call your insurance company and get the requirements mailed to you so you have that information in writing and your doctor can help you fulfill that list of stuff.
I know what I'm talking about here..... i'm in my second round of 12 months of dieting because my 1st doctor didn't bother with the documentation so I had to start over.
Good luck!
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The scale can measure the weight of my body but never my worth as a woman. ~Lysa TerKeurst author of Made to Crave