Newbie Alert!!
Hi There- I have been peeking around here ever since I have been thinking and researching bariatric surgery for myself (basically about 9 months) Roughly two months ago I decided that I need to do it for my well-being (as well as my family's). Since then, I have been jumping through the insurance hoops, doing sleep studies and test and TODAY was told that I should be getting a surgery date by the end of the week. (YEA!!!) I would love to hear from any of you-especially anyone who has experience with Dr Schram/Batrix Clinic. What happens now-what should I expect, etc. I am just so excited and can't wait for it to happen!
WELCOME to this board. I had Dr. Kam, also at Barix. They have a great facility and I was very well cared for. After you get your date, they will schedule you for Pre-op. Some of the things they might do for pre-op are, blood work, EKG, ultrasound (if you still have a gall bladder) and a chest x-ray. They will explain your next step (surgery) while you are there. Good Luck!! Bobbi