6 Year anniversary
WOW!! I’ve come full circle! Six years ago I came here and found a group of people that understood things I could never share with most of my family and friends. Today I am 125lbs lighter, healthier, and happier than I have ever been.
Not sure what the defining moment was (after 6 years), but in May I began the last stretch of my wls journey with my 1st reconstructive surgery. Was supposed to have a circumferential LBL and medial thighplasty, but was unable to complete the procedure and only had the abdominalplasty (anchor incision w/muscle tightening) part.
This past week, I went in for the rest. After 10 hours of grueling surgery, I am home with a medial thigh lift, (OWIE!!!) and the completion of the LBL plus a little fat transplant to my formerly flat butt! God sure knew I would never have made it through the entire procedure back in May. This one (no pun intended) HAS knocked me on my butt!! I know in a few more days I’ll be thankful but right now I’m too miserable to contemplate the new me.
When I look back over the past 6 years I still cringe to hear people say WLS is the “easy way” to weight loss, or that “it’s forever”. Several of my friends have gained a significant amount of weight back, and easy?? hmmmm. Life changing is more like it. I can still graze and gain 5lbs overnite, but NOW I use the tool I have and know how to get back on track.
Not here as often as I used to be. Lurking these days on the Plastic Surgery Forum. Over the years the names change as does the OH site, but one thing that stays the same… is that this is the BEST place to come, for support and encouragement. Many Many thanks to Eric Klein, founder of this site, and to his faithful staff!!
My best wishes to all of you wherever you may be in this incredible journey.
Thank you =) It truly is a false sense of security, when the weight is falling off in those early days, to think you'll never hafta diet again. I'm not sure enough emphasis is put the fact that the honeymoon period DOES come to an end. I'm one of those controversial "weigh-every-dayers". I've found for me it keeps me honest, and when I see a gain of 4-5lbs for over 3-4days, I go back to the basics...protein, water, & exercise...Works every time!! People will say you don't eat a lot at one time, ....I tell 'em yes, but I can eat a little A LOT !!! ...and that kind of grazing is scary for me. I wish I had never tested the dumping waters either. Knowing you don't dump is a dangerous thing. My motto has always been NOTHING TASTES AS GOOD AS THIN FEELS. Best wishes to you (and your sister). Your plan will work for you. Denise
Hi, Denise, I had the same DR. that you had back in l999. Only went back for 6 wks. appt. with no problems. After 5 years i have gain 30lbs. i noticed at that time i had no restriction when eating or drinking.Do you still have restriction? I have developed hiatial hernia with Gerd. I can eat normally now, but have to count calories, i go to 1800 cal. a day. I know i have to get down to 1600 which i was consuming in the earlier years...How are you with your food portions? What is you secret for keeping the weight off? I not working for the past 2 years that might be why i gained, i have arthritis in legs so i don't exerise good. thanks for any input..jane