Battling with myself and others!
Dear Laurie, Thanks so much for sharing your own experiance! I really admire you and your deciation; just love your replies and honesty on the boards. You are an inspiration to us all. You look great too by the way. I hope that I can carry this out as well as you have! I guess I have a very deep fear that my past will come back to haunt me; along with the evil nay sayers I have to deal with! Today I got back on my treadmill for 40 minutes; burning over 400 calories. While doing this I was imagining every step on those who taunt me! LOL I am trying to gather all my strength and muster up perspective to get back on the good side of the track again. After all it is my life; and not theirs. Thanks again, Hugs, Judy R
I told everyone I had the surgery. I'm very proud of my accomplishments. That being said, I remind people that have something to say that the first 6 months are usually a gimme but after that it takes a lot of work to keep up the weight loss. I had someone mention to me at lunch that I ate a lot today. I took the time to explain to that that soup goes right through and the salad will help bind it some so I don't get hungry until dinner time. I also tell them that some days I can be really hungry but can only eat a few bites and other days can eat a 6" Subway sub. I never know what I can eat but I do know that I keep up with all my food and protein and make sure I exercise. This usually shuts people up because you are doing a heck of a lot more than they ever thought of. Don't worry about pleasing these people. Stand up for yourself and show them how proud you are of your accomplishments. They'll eventually come around and be proud of you too or if not, then you can just ignore them.
Bariatric University - Bariatric Coach
I was really worried about everyone finding out at work, because I'm a teacher, and kids have NO filter when it comes to asking questions or giving opinions! I just didn't want to have to deal with it over-and-over ... and over, especially to people who it was none of their buisness.
I also have back-pain issues - so I've used that as my "cover". I've told people (when they ask) that I'm going to "get something done that will help with my back", or "we're trying something to get me moving which should help with my back and the extra weight I've put on" (hopefully to deflect the WL comments).
That was going fine until someone on staff heard it was by-pass surgery I was getting. Now EVERYONE knows. People I normally don't even talk to are coming up to me and sharing their opinions (negative and possitive). I've even had to say (when people are talking loud in public), I apprecate your support/comments, but this is very personal to me and I'm not comfortable talking about it. Well .... now THAT word is out - and I've had less people asking!
It's weird to have something so private, so widely broadcast whenI only told four people!