
on 9/13/07 11:19 am - Traverse City, MI
I posted the same thing on another chat board and I thought I would share with you all.  I am the prime example of why we need to take our vitamins on a regular basis.  For the first 4 years post-op I didn't take my vitamins/calcium.  100% my fault.  So I developed osteoporosis at around 2 years post-op.  Well I am now 6 and a half years post-op and I take my vitamins/calcium regularly, but the damage from me not taking them cannot be undone.  I went to the doctor today because I thought I cracked a rib.  Sure enough it's broken.  I'm thinking it happened while I was at the gym, but who knows how it happened.  With osteoporosis I could have breathed wrong and cracked it.  So don't be like me.  Take those vitamins! 
on 9/13/07 1:47 pm - Davison, MI
Yes friend you are sooooo right! I am only 8 months post op RNY and have already ran into some serious vitamin deficency issues as well.  I was lacking in B-1 the worst; and did you know that this can cause permenant nerve damage, slow weight loss & metabolism; and worst case heartfailure! I am now getting back to taking all my vitamins religiously! I had to give myself injections of B-1 and B-12 for a while, also low in calcium, and D. This is no joke! We all did this to get healthier; but one never thinks of vitamins being this important! So please heed the warnings! TAKE YOUR VITAMINS WITHOUT FAIL!  Don't let your hard earn health go away! Sincerely, Judy R
S W.
on 9/13/07 9:18 pm - MI
Julie, I hear you.  I have osteoporosis in two lumbar due to having had medical problems in 1991 that led to cancer then more problems. Osteoporosis has caused me a great deal of pain, and now, I am unable to take Acetominophen, and NSaids, thus letting my pain relief go to Ultram which now is hurting my pouch.  I had been taking Boniva but the Dr. pulled me off of it due to high liver enzymes and they are now dropping due to decreased tylenol in my system.  I believe we will determine another option for the osteoporosis later this month. I have been so cotton picking strict on myself post op, that I still take my 4 vites a day (Optisource) and calcium supplements on top of Vitamin D.  It's all I can do but I had two fractured ribs myself not long ago....so I do understand your pain. I agree -- follow the rules, take your vites and EAT RIGHT TOO!!! Wishing you well! Stacey W
Kate C.
on 9/13/07 10:57 pm - Warren, MI
Julie, I was recently diagnosed with osteoporosis. The endrocrinologist who is treating me said it was not due to the WLS, or not taking my vitamins regularly.  She said it takes years for osteoporosis to show up.  Yours may be a combination of something else with the WLS. I also have vitamin D deficiency which is likely because of the WLS. I have to take mega doses of calcium and vitamin D now. The Vitamin D must be monitored because you can get too much, and that's not good either.  So, everybody, take your vitamins, and get your blood work done regularly. Anyway, back to the osteoporosis. The doctor wanted to put me on medication to slow the deterioation of the bones but I told her I was reluctant to take it. I believe it can lead to ulcers and if we WLS folks can't take aspirin, I was afraid of these meds.  So she suggested putting me on Forteo injections. Forteo rebuilds the bones. You might want to look into this option. It is very expensive, but my insurance covers it.  The dotor I'm seeing is Amy Tobin, in Sterling Heights. I'm not sure if there are a lot of Endrocrinologist's in Michigan. I was told there were not.
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