Hello my fellow Michiganders

Jodi E.
on 9/15/07 2:51 pm, edited 9/15/07 2:52 pm - Wayland, MI

Hello Kevin.. and Welcome!  We are having surgery so close.. Good luck to you!  My date is October three.  I cannot wait to start living!! 

This too is my first "major" surgery.. but to tell you the truth.. I am not nervous one bit.  Well I take that back.. I do not want to have a catheter.  That is the only thing I am not look forward to...Just the thought of it makes me cringe!  Other than that I am ready to be "me" again.  My INS approval was a breeze.  MMPC faxed over my paper work to Priority Health on a Tuesday, and received a call that Friday saying I was approved.  I was one of the lucky ones I guess.  But I guess if I told you all of my comorbities you could see why they approved me so fast...

I start my "pre-op" diet this up coming Wednesday...This is one thing  I am not looking forward to doing.. but it all comes with the process. Good luck to you! Jodi :O)


  CenturycardJodi.gif image by odamae23




on 9/15/07 10:15 pm, edited 9/15/07 10:15 pm - Akron, MI
Hey Jodi, I wish you well with the diet started mine a few minutes ago. Mine is liquified everything. The only thing I might be able to swing for variety is some half solid sugar free popscicles or semi-solid jelly consistancy sugar free jello, ooh and lets not for get the all mighty broth. I can tell you so far I'm glad I cut waaaay back on calories and started drinking more a few days befor the "official" change. Good luck and God-speed with recovery, Kev
on 9/16/07 11:24 am - Akron, MI
An update for today, Started my all liquid diet. All the shakes so far are an A+ for everything except for lumps. The cream of mushroom was cream of poo, and if you have a fiber drink to take avoid the "tea" like the plague. Firstly it is sweet, yuck!, and secondly it tastes nothing like tea. I had to chug it or it wasn't going down; yes, chugging is a nono, but what else you going to do. I was supprised, because when you add up the calories it isn't a whole lot, but I was pretty filled up throughout the day. I didn't even dip into broth, sugar free popscicles, or the crystal light type stuff. I STILL need to drink more water though. A little lime or lemon juice helps the water down. All for now, Kev
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