Hello my fellow Michiganders
I heard about this site and it's wonderful boards so I thought I'd sign up and see for myself. My name is Kevin and I'm a 23 year old Student/Tech-Gopher. I've been persueing Roux en Y for about 2.5-3 years now, during this time I've been on a "life vacation" to get things squared away. Luckily, I have a good support system (my parents) God Bless them! My parents also have each had Roux en Y at Hurley. I've seen first hand the many hardships and successes provided by this surgery. I feel the hardest thing will be the behavior modification.
Generally my health was "ok" but then things started going downhill fast. Blood pressure going up, sugar, sleep apnea....being only 20 it was an eye opening experience...I knew I had to do something, and fast. It's taken a bit of gumption, determination, and support, but I'm very close to my date.
I've been working on chewing things 35+ times, and sipping, and other behavioral things. Also, due to my BMI I'm getting a Vena Cava Filter. I'm wondering if anyone else had one as well, and if it’s been a bother. This is my first MAJOR surgery, so I'm a little on edge. NG tube, Catheter, and JP-Suction and all the other various gizmos sticking out of me or connected to me are scary and liberating at the same time.
As of 9/12/07, my last pre-surgery visit, I'm good to go as long as I adhere to the 15-day pre-surgery liquid diet.
I have a surgery date of 10/1/07.
After I've healed and am ready, I plan to return to school FULL-STEAM-AHEAD!
Well, good luck and God Bless to those ahead of me and behind me.
I heard about this site and it's wonderful boards so I thought I'd sign up and see for myself. My name is Kevin and I'm a 23 year old Student/Tech-Gopher. I've been persueing Roux en Y for about 2.5-3 years now, during this time I've been on a "life vacation" to get things squared away. Luckily, I have a good support system (my parents) God Bless them! My parents also have each had Roux en Y at Hurley. I've seen first hand the many hardships and successes provided by this surgery. I feel the hardest thing will be the behavior modification.
Generally my health was "ok" but then things started going downhill fast. Blood pressure going up, sugar, sleep apnea....being only 20 it was an eye opening experience...I knew I had to do something, and fast. It's taken a bit of gumption, determination, and support, but I'm very close to my date.
I've been working on chewing things 35+ times, and sipping, and other behavioral things. Also, due to my BMI I'm getting a Vena Cava Filter. I'm wondering if anyone else had one as well, and if it’s been a bother. This is my first MAJOR surgery, so I'm a little on edge. NG tube, Catheter, and JP-Suction and all the other various gizmos sticking out of me or connected to me are scary and liberating at the same time.
As of 9/12/07, my last pre-surgery visit, I'm good to go as long as I adhere to the 15-day pre-surgery liquid diet.
I have a surgery date of 10/1/07.
After I've healed and am ready, I plan to return to school FULL-STEAM-AHEAD!
Well, good luck and God Bless to those ahead of me and behind me.
Thanks for the response! Good luck with your results and the qualification process. The insurance was a pain, but I can understand where they're comming from.
I didn't qualify at first either because for BCBS I think I needed at least 2-3 factors, so I was sent sent to get tested for sleep apnea (I now have a C-PaP machine.), Blood Suger, and Blood Pressure, as well as joint pain.
Just remember you're in it for the long haul and if this is truely the avenue you wish to persue DON'T GIVE UP!
God Bless,
I think you made the right decision. I wish i would have done it so young. you'll be amazed how free you'll feel, especially once your health improves. It's a good thing you have your mom and dad who has already gone through the process to guide you.
The filter wasn't a big deal, i think it was the easiest step in the whole process. They'll give you drugs if you want, but i did it without and wide awake.
Good luck with your surgery, and welcome to the board.
Congrats on the decision to change your life... I also have a vena cava fliter and I went through Hurley as well..... I don't even know that the filter is there. I carry a card stating that I have it and only if I see it do I remember that I have it... The procedure was a breeze and I was very worried about it as well... You will do fine... I had my surgery last November and I am almost 10 months post-op now.. I am so glad I had my RNY done.. it saved my life.... I was worreid about the drains and all of that too, but I did just fine... It was rough but easier than I expected it to be....
This is a great board with lots of support.. whenever you have a question feel free to ask... Someone will pop in and help you out... but never look to the advice here to replace your doctor or NUT.... Good Luck on your journey!!
Shawn - Lap RNY 11/16/06
319/169/185/204 - 5' 7" Starting/Goal/Lowest/Current
Yes, it is the same thing as a greenfield filter... put in the same place does the same function, just a different name... It is to prevent blood clots from traveling to the heart or lungs... I had really poor circulation in my legs so I was a candidate for this.. I was really hesistant about getting it, but I did just fine and I can't even tell it is there...
Shawn - Lap RNY 11/16/06
319/169/185/204 - 5' 7" Starting/Goal/Lowest/Current
Thanks for all the support and wishes.
It's actually not so bad; I'm learning already to cope with hunger pains and I haven't even started the actual liquid diet. I went on a docter approved pre-diet. Now, when I feel the pain I can sort of smile, I know why it's there and that I'm winning.
One of my concerns is the loss of muscle mass. From how it looks I'll loose some, because of the surgery, nutrition, and not carring all the weight around, but then I'll be able to build back up to where I was and surpass that point. Does that sound about right? My dad lost muscle mass, where as my mom lost flexibility.
Thanks again and Bless you all,