Anyone hear from the Newlyweds?
they got hitched.. just fine..
I was at their wedding and it was the most beautiful.. I've seen in a long while.. they were both breath taking.. and I cried.. maybe cuz I was just sooo happy for the both of 'em.
Hello... I'm Rhonda and I know Mel and Jay from the Single's Board.. were they met... I've never gotten the privledge of meeting them until Saturday at their wedding. But I have known them for years.
I should have some photos uploaded tonite.. and can post them.. I have the brides permission to do THAT.. at least she said I can on the Family and Friends Board.
I can't believe we didn't pile in our vans and road trip it out to Ohio to crash that wedding! Can you imagine the looks on their faces to see a bunch of GAPs charging in! None of us would have on clothes that fit, we wouldn't have eaten much, but we would have done a mean hustle and chicken dance just to annoy Jay!!!
Thanks for the update on the wedding.