Man this pre-surgery diet is hard!
Man, this pre-surgery diet is really tough! This is day #2 and I am soooooooo hungry! I did really good on Friday, but I worked until after 6 PM, got home, had dinner and went to bed at 9! Can't eat if you're sleeping. I have the pre-packaged food from MMPC.
I was so sure I would be the perfect patient! How do I get my mind off food? I truly feel hungry.
It's totally normal to be hungry. Your body is basically detoxing and going through shock from what you may have been doing before. I cried during this time. I was mad at the world. If I could have punched my NUT in the mouth, I would have. (I have since resolved the anger issues and I LOVE my NUT! LOL) I thought it was so cruel to expect me to live on this stupid diet. But.....I did get through it, and you will too. This part is hard, but you will find a strength you did not know you had. I promise, you can do it!
I wish I had some advice about what to eat....I did not have a pre-packaged diet so none of my tips will help you. If you are allowed drinks that are not on the plan, I suggest Swiss Miss diet hot coca with skim milk. It takes a little longer to drink than something cold, and it fills your tummy up for a while.
Thinking about food was hard for me too. It's not going to just go away....especially if you've been overweight for a long time. Use this time to really pay attention to how much you were thinking about food before. Write things down that you find out about yourself. I wrote down things like....I never realized how often I was just breezing through McDonald's for breakfast. I wouldn't have admitted it before, but once I went on the pre-surg diet, and I paid attention to what I was doing....well, let's just say I was there A LOT!
Clean out your closets....go to the library and get yourself some good books.....keep your mind on other things and the time won't seem as long.
Being hungry is a good thing. Learn to recognize it, and don't'll be ok!
Hi Anna,
You bet your bootie it was! I was sooooo grouchy no one could stand me. But it will ease up after about the fourth day or so; not saying it won't still stink though! And then when surgery gets here it will be a welcome miracle because you won't be hungry for quite some time! Hang in there Anna; it will be worth it. For night try drink a cup of camomile tea to relax you. Don'****ch a lot of tv, there are way to many food commercials.. LOL> I know it is very hard to deal with; you have friends and support on OH! I crocket a lot when I am hungry. Anything to take my mind and hands off food. Anyway that stuff I had was awful!
Best wishes and welcome to the losers bench soon friend. Sincerely, Judy R
Hey Anna.. I start the pre op diet from MMPC next week Wednensday. I purchased a sample pack back in July to test what I would be eating. I only ate the bars and they were all great. I heard the packaged soups, and spaghetti stuff were nasty. I guess we have to go through the bad to get to the good.
I am not looking forward to starting the pre-op diet. Only because of the blan taste the food has... Oh well .. it will all be worth it.
I am loving the Chili. Not all the soups are disgusting. The Cream of Chicken soup is THE DEVIL!! God it's awful!
The Spaghetti's good, the Cream of Mushroom is OK and the Cream of Broccoflower is palatable. I too like the bars, but only got 2 boxes of them. Also, the prepackaged drinks are awesome...the vanilla is the best, but I only ordered one 6-pk of each. Wish I could reorder all over again!
I am hanging in there better today...yesterday was very difficult! Tonight I will go to bed early again...that is my new strategy...can't eat if you're sleeping!
Hey Anna,
I never even got chili only terrible soup, protein drink, and other crap! I got very little; I think it was 600-800 calories a day. And I had to gag most of it down. I skipped some because they made me nausated.. Are you doing better yet? Never got any bars either. Now does that make you feel better Anna.. LOL.. Take care. Wishing you great sucess.. Hugs, Judy R
Oh can I sympathize with you! Here is a post I wrote about the dreaded diet. Here is another one where I was sure I was going to die.
We have the same awesome surgeon! Good luck to you!
Thanks for all the encouragement everybody. I am getting through this OK. I am now on day 6...can't wait to go to the Dr. tomorrow to see the results! I have not cheated once! Well, food-wise that is. They told us no caffeinated sodas (I am to assume that meant Monsters know...the energy drinks? I love the blue lo-carb/sugar ones...only 10 calories per serving)...I had a couple of monsters during the first few days. I gave them up yesterday! I crave them...whoever created those sure knew what they were doing. They are fabulous and quite addicting.
Jenn, I am glad you posted that link to your previous writing. That gave me a good laugh! When I 'cooked' up my first batch my kids were like...Ooh, can I try some? LOL!!! I told them no way...I was too hungry! LOL I told them they can have all the vanilla pudding and cream of chicken soup they want, cause I am never gonna touch it again! LOL Of course, they passed.
I loved looking at your pictures from Vegas on your profile. You are looking and doing great. My sisters, parents and I went out to Vegas last September for the first time in my life. It was a great time!
So, you say that Dr. Kemmeter is an 'awesome' surgeon!? I am so glad to hear that. He seems like a really nice guy, and during the orientation I enjoyed his humor. I didn't see so much of it one on one yet...maybe he saves his good humor for the groups? Or, heck, maybe he was just having a bad day the day I saw him? long as he knows how to rearrange my guts to benefit me in the long run! LOL