Milk Issues!! need help
For the last little while I have been having some probs with milk in my protein shake... kinda feeling like something is stuck in my throat... I thought it was the protein. But for dinner tonite I had some milk with cereal, and had the same feeling as I do with the protein.... any suggestions.
what should i do what can anyone suggest??
thnx guys,
Alot of us become lactose intolerant after surgery. I am one of them. I choose to use Soy Milk instea of regular milk. I use it with my shakes and in cereal in the rare case I eat some. I use regular milk to cook with though.
It is weird though because I can eat cheese and yogurt without any problems but give me ice cream or milk and I am screwed.
Regretfully, I must say a final goodbye to my old friend, Milk. It does horrible things to me in even the smallest amounts. Milk was such a major part of my gastric life before surgery. Nothing better than chugging a big 'ole glass of cold milk. I can't anymore. I can eat yogurt, cottage cheese, sugar free ice cream, and even a small--very small portion of soft-serve, but drink a bit of regular milk and I am doomed to the gas, bloating, and cramping on top of feeling like I just ate a huge thanksgiving meal.
You describe the "stuck" does that to me. It makes me feel really full. It kind of feels like there's a gas bubble under it in my pouch, but I'm afraid if I try to burp, the milk will bubble has before. I think because the milk is cold, it causes the stoma to spasm and constrict, thus not allowing the pouch to empty as quickly as it usually does, causing that feeling like it's going to come back up. Warm milk is just plain gross, so I have been trying Soy and Rice does the same thing, so I think it has something to do with the temperature. I can handle the soy or rice milk in small, slowly sipped quantities and they don't give me the symptoms of lactose intolerance, but I just can't drink alot at one time.