weight gain
Good for you Joan, you've come to the right place for help!!
It goes like this.... get back to the original rules of your wls. Up that protein, STOP eatting those simple carbs (white things, bread, rice, potatoes, cereal, etc) what carbs you do eat (cuz we all need carbs) need to be complex (from fruits and veggies mainly). Make sure you're getting your water in!!!
I'm a little over 2 years out, and it does get harder at this point. I can eat things I thought I'd never eat again - now it's completely a choice of mine and not the surgery!!! Do I always make the right choice - aahhh, NO!! But when I mess up I work very hard to balance it out with better things the next meal.
You can do it!!!!! Stay on the boards, lots of encouragement here!!!
Hi Joan,
You are never alone! We are all fighting the fight with you too. Remember why we made the decision we made in the past, take two steps backwards, get back to basics. Stay here with your friends who deep care and understand your struggle too! Don't beat yourself up because if your like me it may be causing more harm than good; and making you go in a self defeating direction?? You did it before, you can do it again. Hugs, Judy R