Hard thing to ask..
1. pain 2. Food cravings 3 capacity 4 Nausea 5 sleeping 6 explaining 7 reading food labels 8 chewing 9 cramps 10 fear 11 water intake 12 pill/vitamin taking 13 nutritional planning 14 binders and drains 15 infections 16 pneumonia 17 Jay kp Added- 18 Weird Toilet habits 19 Gas 20 Always being cold 21Ketosis 22 Regulating your intake to your activity level 23 knowing when you are dumping or spiking
I'll bet there are more.
I would do it again in a heart beat.
Good for you for asking questions...it's the best thing to do prior to anything to do with your health. KP named just about everything...
In my case, I am almost 4 years out now and have gained some weight back. Not all gain again...but I did. I've had about a 40 lb gain from my initial loss of 125 lbs. I'm still ahead of the game, true, but I'm just a little disappointed in myself for allowing myself to get back into some bad habits, such as snacking, not drinking as many liquids as i used to, stopping the walking I used to do on a regular basis, etc. If you follow the rules of the tool, you won't have any problems with weight gain. But as we all know, they don't do surgery on your "brain"! And yes, at first, even the first 2 years, I would never even thought I would stray off the "eating correctly and exercise" path, but I tended to get lazy and didn'****ch as closely as I should have. There were many personal issues along with this for me, and that can get you off the beaten path of success. But you asked and I just wanted to tell you so you don't let this happen to you. Best advice? Stay proactive in your tool rules and you will be successful! It's important. Best of luck to you! Theresa
Pre-Op~312 Post-Op~299 Current~206 Goal~150 1/17/07
For Mom, and Kelly
"Life is not the way it's supposed to be. It's the way it is. The way you cope with it is what makes the difference. "