OT: Well I didn't get kicked out of the house.....

on 9/3/07 12:19 pm - Farmington Hills, MI
Hey there Cowboy! Thanks, she is a great dog. She was actually given to me. More like a gift. One of the best presents I have ever received. She is such a love. Yeah, her name fits her. Actually someone else suggested the name and I loved it. So, she is Bella. She is the sweetest, most entertaining dog I've ever seen. So, you have two yourself??? I bet they are so cute. Well I can't really say who she looks like...hard to say!!! LOL. By the way, love the hat! Take care, Carey
Linda Ton
on 9/3/07 5:43 am - Pontiac, MI
OMG she is just gorgeous!    I've been wanting a chihuahua to breed with my dog, he's part mini daschound part chihuahua and part pomeranian.  But they are so darn expensive, where did you get her and did she cost a lot?   Linda

2007-09-09-85436.jpg image by Trinha942 

on 9/3/07 12:22 pm - Farmington Hills, MI
Hey Linda, A friend gave her to me actually....was a really nice gift. I bet your dog is really cute, looks cute in the pic. Carey
on 9/3/07 7:28 am - Chelsea, MI
She's so cute!  She might fly away with those ears!  I TRIED so hard into talking my hubby into getting another puppy yesterday.  I found a long hair, female mini doxie.  But he said no.  We have a male mini doxie and a beagle puppy.  8 years ago, I brought the mini doxie home on a whim and he couldn't resist (we already had three dogs....so I figured what's another, especially a mini!).  So, I know if I just were to get one, he'd melt.  He's such a pushover when it comes to the dogs! Have fun with her!   Love her name! Tina


It takes courage to grow up and become who you really are.  ~e.e. cummings
on 9/3/07 12:26 pm - Farmington Hills, MI
Hey Tina! I know, she is so dang cute - I can't stand it sometimes!!!! You know, her ears really don't look that big in person. They look really huge in the pic. But yeah, they still are a little big. LOL!!! OMG - I love mini doxie's - hot dogs!!!!!! Want one so bad and I want to name him Elvis!!!! But there is no way I could talk hubby into another one. Me and the dogs will be homeless for sure!!! It's a miracle he accepted her. She's so sweet, he couldn't resist her. I love her name too!!! Carey
on 9/3/07 10:16 am - East Lansing, MI
is she the cutest little thing!!!!!!!!!!!!  you might even be able to smuggle her across the border!!!!!!!!!!!!!
on 9/3/07 12:28 pm - Farmington Hills, MI
How do you think I got her home Rae!!!!! I have a pink purse to carry her around in and she just sat in it. When I crossed the border, they asked if I had anything - I said nope. No problem. She just sat in her little purse looking at me!! So cute!!! She has such a nice personality. So sweet!!!
Tricia J
on 9/3/07 10:30 am - northern, MI
She is adorable I did the same thing to this past weekend but mine was a new kitten.   Good luck with training.  Tricia
on 9/3/07 12:30 pm - Farmington Hills, MI
Thanks Tricia! I am really enjoying her. It's so funny, we all fight over her. She is going to be so spoiled. Everyone wants to hold her and love on her. Enjoy your kitten. Carey
on 9/3/07 11:49 am - MI
Bite sized!!  Just the way I like'm. How much protein is in a chihuahua anyway? JK kp
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