OT: Well I didn't get kicked out of the house.....
Hey there Cowboy!
Thanks, she is a great dog. She was actually given to me. More like a gift. One of the best presents I have ever received. She is such a love. Yeah, her name fits her. Actually someone else suggested the name and I loved it. So, she is Bella. She is the sweetest, most entertaining dog I've ever seen. So, you have two yourself??? I bet they are so cute. Well I can't really say who she looks like...hard to say!!! LOL.
By the way, love the hat!
Take care,
She's so cute! She might fly away with those ears!
I TRIED so hard into talking my hubby into getting another puppy yesterday. I found a long hair, female mini doxie. But he said no. We have a male mini doxie and a beagle puppy. 8 years ago, I brought the mini doxie home on a whim and he couldn't resist (we already had three dogs....so I figured what's another, especially a mini!). So, I know if I just were to get one, he'd melt. He's such a pushover when it comes to the dogs!
Have fun with her! Love her name!
It takes courage to grow up and become who you really are. ~e.e. cummings |
Hey Tina!
I know, she is so dang cute - I can't stand it sometimes!!!! You know, her ears really don't look that big in person. They look really huge in the pic. But yeah, they still are a little big. LOL!!!
OMG - I love mini doxie's - hot dogs!!!!!! Want one so bad and I want to name him Elvis!!!! But there is no way I could talk hubby into another one. Me and the dogs will be homeless for sure!!! It's a miracle he accepted her. She's so sweet, he couldn't resist her.
I love her name too!!!