5 for Thursday!!!
1. Labor day plans?
Babysitting my 3 nephews (4 1/2, 2 1/2, and 1) while my Bro and Sis-in-law go to Cedar Point. At some point this weekend, we are going to Carrabas for dinner with my sister and my BIL. I'll do some shopping....need "school" clothes (I'm a teacher...we gotta look good, too!) And enjoy the weather on my deck by the pool. That's about it.
2. Favorite food in the world
That's tough cuz I like different foods for different reasons...LOL! But I would have to say my ALL TIME favorite food is mashed potatoes, with butter and a little salt. I think I could live on them.
3. What kind of cheese do you have in your fridge?
If hubby hasn't ate it all, there should be some mild cheddar...maybe some mozzerella and colby-jack. I don't know...
4. When cooking, do you use charcoal or gas?
I'm assuming you mean on the grill since nobody I knows uses charcoal inside. I use gas on the grill....elec in the house.
5. How many memories have you made this summer?
What was your fondest one?
LOTS....some of which cannot be mentioned here for fear of incriminating myself. LOL! Nah...mostly I will remember this summer as being exactly as my hubby and I wanted....A RELAXING ONE SPENT AT HOME! But I can't forget my new friends...and my OLD one...she knows who she is...LOL!
It takes courage to grow up and become who you really are. ~e.e. cummings |