Finally some answers but seriously!! On my soapbox!!
Hi Everyone,
Went to the clinic today. All the syptoms I have been having are due to very low vitamin B-1, and B-12 deficencies! No joke; please take your vitamins. And even then sometimes they do not absorb properly in our new remodeled bodies! I have to get this under control or I can end up with permentant nerve damage and worse. I am going to be giving myself a vitamin B-1 shot daily; and B-12 shot weekly for a while!! My syptoms were triedness, feeling as if the room or furniture were spinning some times, complete exhaustion, nausea, extreme craving for salt; and a few others I forget right now.
Our bodies are so different after WLS; and we need to take any warning signs seriously! Web MD will tell you of the damage and dangers of WLS, due to vitamin deficencies! (mostly importantly B viatamins)! If you are at all like I was, I thought nothing of forgeting a vitamin or two; then again you better believe that there can and will be consequences; some more serious than others. I am on my soapbox because I don't want anyone else to go through what I am going through. It is seriously affecting my daily life.. Hopefully with the injections I can get this under control; and stop the damage! So get up and go take your vitamins please.. Hugs, Judy R
Thanks for the reminder. I think some people just get complacent and start forgetting the rules of the pouch. I sometimes wonder about those who have fallen away from the support groups and not seen their doctor in a few years. I always portion out my vitamin and calcium so that they are not forgotten (along with my thyroid med). I enjoy being healthy and I don't want to do anything to jeopardize it.
Certified OH Support Group Leader
Bariatric University - Bariatric Coach
Bariatric University - Bariatric Coach
I sing this song every once in a while.
we have to release stuff into our bodies manually anymore. You have to take your pills, vites, water, protein and everything else spread out over time every two and a half hours.
I take a half a vite in the am and half in the pm. I take sublingual b-12 every other day. You can't absorb b-12 any other way now. You have to take a sublingual b or take shots and you can never catch up it seems.
Your vitamins have to be chelated. That makes them easier for us to absorb.
Except of a pancreas level problem my levels are always normal.
Eating has to be done on a constant slow pace to release nutrients because our pylorus valve is not in the loop anymore.
Old timers know this but we don't post that much anymore. We get answering the same questions and get a little snippy but we have the info.
Dx even has a chart as to where we absorb what.
"Go sell crazy somewhere else; we're all stocked up here."