Tummy tuck options/opinions
I am now one and a half years out from my RNY. I think it is time to look into having my tummy done. I live about 30 minutes from Lansing and Flint. I am interested in any advice and some recommendations for a doctor.
I would like a date in December. Does this sound reasonable being almost Sept now?
Thanks for any advice and positive vibes to all
I was just at the office yesterday to see Dr. M and Sandy is on vacation. I wondered about Dr. Pummell but I just have to go with my gut, no pun intended, and I am going to see Dr. DiNick.
I am doing well here. How are you doing? I checked out your pics on myspace and you are looking great. I havent been to any meeting this summer because of school and we bought a house. I will be missing this months also because the kids have an ice cream social for school that night. Someone told me it was going to have something to do with powerhouse gym.