Topic: OT: Split pictures...front view, side view
I had the program all along and had to play with it to get it to work. I use Irfanview. You can download it at It is free. It's really easy. I saved both pictures to my computer's desktop. Then open Irfanview and click on IMAGE then chose CREATE PANORAMA IMAGE. Another box will pop up and here you click on ADD IMAGES, then find one of the pictures and double click it. This will return to the original box. Click on ADD IMAGES again to find the second picture. Double click on that and you're done. If you want to arrange/switch which photo goes first, highlight one to move and chose the MOVE UP/MOVE DOWN button. Save to desktop for new photo. That is it. Pretty simple. I don't know about other programs. Let me know what you have for picture viewing and I will see if I can get it to work. I use Irfanview for a lot of things. I'll do my best to help you. Any questions, feel free to ask. Have a great night.