Cedar point trip
There is a group of people on the family and friends board that are considering going to cedar point for a weekend in October. So I am extending the invitation to the michigan board also. We are looking at getting a group rate so we would need a minimum of 15 people. So if anyone is interested please let me know so we figure out how many people, Thanks Tricia
I'll be taking my band on October 20th for the Hallow Weekends. If you haven't gone in Oct. it's a fun time in the park. My boosters and I don't normally go on the rides (next year though for me, watch out!!) and there's lots to do. Make sure you see some of the Edgar Allan Poe readings, they're really quite good. If you guys are there then let me know, I'd love to meet up with some other bariatric people and maybe catch a meal or some time with you folks and talk about the experiences.