tummy tuck tomorrow

(deactivated member)
on 8/15/07 9:54 pm - Errr Where, MI
Hello everybody. I am getting my tummy tuck done tomorrow. I am excited and a little nervous. I'm the most scared about those dern IV's. The last time they had to put it in my neck cause they could not get a vein any where else on my pudgy little hands and arms lol. For those of you who have had your TT is there any advice you would give. I really want to know how did you lay down to go to sleep? Ok keep me in your prayers and thanks for any advice Dayja
on 8/15/07 10:27 pm - detroit, MI
Hello Girlie!!!  I just want to wish you GOOD LUCK!!  You will be in my thoughts and prayers for a speedy recovery.  I am actually supposed to come in there today so I might even see you later.  If not then I will see you when you are even SMALLER!! Stacey B
(deactivated member)
on 8/16/07 12:09 pm - Errr Where, MI
Sorry I missed you today. I have been working all day. Then I had to run my self crazy until 10 at night. My husband cant cook. So I had to cook enough food to get him and my son through the week end. Next time I see you I will show you my war wounds lol. Dayja
S W.
on 8/16/07 2:30 am - MI
Hey there.....congrats on the tt! First, breathe.   Don't be so concerned over the IV's, tomorrow they may find the right vein and it's simply that easy.  Be positive about the whole process (even though it isn't easy to be!) and keep a clear mind and heart that things will go great. Recovery is one day at a time, much like that of WLS surgery, with things you are aware of now having pre ops, you will encounter feelings you've never felt before. Stay in communication with your surgeon (who is it may I ask?) and do not hesitate to report any strange sensations.  Remember also that it takes much time to heal, and much time to be strong and that you need to take it EASY, very easy for the next few months.  Get lots of rest, have someone take good care of you, and above all, keep the pain meds going in. Email or contact me if you have any questions at all, and I wish you much success sweetie in your tuck tomorrow and I trust all will go great and have a speedy and uneventful recovery! Stacey W
(deactivated member)
on 8/16/07 12:14 pm - Errr Where, MI
Thanks for the support Stacy. I have been following your story for a while and I have say when I saw your TT pics I did not know if I wanted to do this lol. But seeing the end result I just could not say no. I expect the pain and the discomfort. Like I said the only tihng that I am concerned about is the IV. I'm not suppose to have anything else to eat or drink after midnight so I just drank all the water my little stomach could handle. I dont want to be dehydrated in the a.m.  My surgeon is Dr Bodell. He is good. He has done some work on a few people. He does insurance approvals and if you cant get insurance approval his prices are pretty reasonable. You know when you see some surgeons they try to sell you on everything but he never once did that even when I wanted him too lol. Thanks again for the support and I will keep you posted Dayja
on 8/16/07 7:42 am - Davison, MI
Hi Dayja,     Best wishes on the tummy tuck; I hope to be there someday too! Please let us know how you are doing! I believe all will be fine because you are going into it with a good attitude.. Your going to look and be so much skinnier; can you feel the envy.. :rotflo: Take care.. Hugs, Judy R
on 8/16/07 11:17 am - St. clair Shores, MI
I just have my tummy tuck 6 weeks ago, and all went well.  I slept with 2 pillows under my knees and 2 pillow under my head.  I had to do that for about 3-4 weeks.  You will do fine, just take one day at a time.  I am back to normal, kickboxing, and training for the 3-day  60 mile walk.  The first week is the hardest, just take your pain meds, and know that it is very much worth the pain.  I was sent home with a pain pump and oral meds.  I amy VERY happy with my results.   Again, good luck and let us know how you do    Carol
(deactivated member)
on 8/16/07 12:18 pm - Errr Where, MI
Thanks for the advice and support Carol. Thats what I love about this board. I can lurk for almost the entire year and post and just get great support... Dayja
on 8/16/07 12:28 pm - East Lansing, MI
i rented a lift chair for the first few weeks........it really helped alot getting up and down..i was by myself so it really helped me to be able to get around...i think it ran about 100/mo----but it was well worth it.....i had alot more discomfort with the tummy and arms than i did with the original open rny....so just be prepared....it all passes but you need to do what your doc says...........wear your support garments......move and drink.........and do your protein--it will help you heal!  good luck!  hug, rae
(deactivated member)
on 8/16/07 12:47 pm - Errr Where, MI
Thanks Rae and you look fantabulous. I dont think I will have enough time to get me a lift chair tonight but my hubby can help me up and down when I need it. I have heard alot of people say that this was more painful than the WLS. I stopped taking my pain meds shortly after I came home from the hospital but this time around I planned on staying in a drug induced coma for atleast the first day lol......
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