mmpi-2 & medicare

on 8/11/07 1:55 am - MI
Hi all ! Well I'm having all me testing done for lap band surgery but I have run into a snag and was wondering if anyone could help me. I'm looking for a Dr. that will give me the mmpi-2 test that accepts medicare in the Tri City area. I'm having a heck of a time. Also, any comments on Drs Laker or Webber in Det. Mi. ?? Anything will help. Good luck every one on your life!!
Linda Ton
on 8/11/07 5:58 am - Pontiac, MI
I had Dr. Webber, read  my profile Linda

2007-09-09-85436.jpg image by Trinha942 

on 8/11/07 8:06 am - MI
Thanks Linda, Like I said any info is welcome. I too am going to Harper. No date set yet. I have to have that mmp whatever test done and still cant find a Dr. I deided on the lap band felt it was the best for me. It sounds like you went through H when you had your surgery. I hope all is going smooth now. It sounds like you have done wonderful. Keep up the good work. Thanks again for the info because I guess I might have either Webber or Laker so I was looking for some feed back. I just want this done. I keep looking at this dress I wore a few years bac****pt it as a reminder . I keep thinking about how good I felt about myself like you feel now. Now Im telling myself I want back in that dress. You know what I mean?! If you have any other info please feel free to send it.                                                                    Thanks
Linda Ton
on 8/12/07 12:14 am - Pontiac, MI

First of all let me say this.   YOU are in charge of your care.   What happened to me was because Dr Webber was not thorough and did not require me to do a sleep study.   I had severe sleep apnea, which is what made me stop breathing on the table.   I thought i was lucky that dr webber didn't make me do a sleep study, man i was so wrong.   Dr webber is very very busy, make sure to write down anything you need to talk to him about cause once he leaves your room he's gone.  I am not recommending him nor am i saying he isn't a good choice.  If he had not done my surgery i'd be dead already .  

How much do you need to lose?    

One more thing.   The care i received at harper in the bariatric wing sucked!   The nurses were cold and even made me cry.    I will never go back there.



on 8/12/07 12:24 am - MI
Thanks Linda. Thats what I want to hear to help me make my decide what I should or shouldnt do. I need to lose between 80-90 lbs. I know it doenst sound like alot but i already am suffering from it. High blood pres. high chol. etc. Plus heart trouble runs in the family and Im already heading that way. My knees hurt, my back hurts. You know. I have never felt so s-----y in all my life. I was always full of energy. Now my mind is young but my body says NO!!
Linda Ton
on 8/12/07 2:32 am - Pontiac, MI

Like i said, YOU are in charge of your health care.   If the docs don't require testing, do it on your own.   I had all the signs of sleep apnea and deep down knew i had it.   Even though webber didn't require it, i should have done it on my own.    

Lap band does sound like the right choice for you.   Keep looking at that dress and stay determined.



on 8/12/07 10:12 am - MI
Thanks again! You wouldnt know any Drs that do that mmpi test that accept medicare would you?  I live in the Tri City area. Or know how I can find one?
Linda Ton
on 8/13/07 4:25 am - Pontiac, MI
i have no idea what this test is.....who told you to do it?    Can you call medicare and ask them where to go? Linda
on 8/13/07 9:23 am - MI
You'll never guess. I took that mmpi-2 test today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What it is is a test to see if you are mentally up to handling the changes about to happen in your life and how you do handle things. Its something that medicare requires. It was 500 questions and takes a couple hours to do. Its where they ask you the same question  " trick " question. I'd S--t if I failed !!!!!!!!!!!!! Anyway since medicare is my primary ins. it was one of those things that had to be done. I'm kind of getting excited now but yet I just hope I pass everything. Stress test wed. morning 8 a.m. Thats the one I really hate. Im so out of shape. And it takes so long. Yuck ! But, I would rather be safe then sorry. I havent told any of my family yet. I mentioned it to my mom once and she is not for it at all !!! But yet shes good at telling me how fat I am in so many words. My daughter I think she will be ok with it. She wants me healthy.Plus this guy I see once in awhile. Thats all their is. And you. And I thank you for being there for me.
Linda Ton
on 8/13/07 10:20 am - Pontiac, MI
OH ok, that was the psyche evaluation.    We all have to do it.   I was lucky and got the short version.   They were trick questions , it's the same questions just reworded.   Your family will come around once you have it done.    Your mom is just worried for you.    Support is important, maybe have her go to a support group or something.    How old are you?   Believe me, you will be so happy when the weight comes off, stay focused and stay determined.   Support is important, i am here for you whenever you need.   Linda

2007-09-09-85436.jpg image by Trinha942 

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