Good News, I'm moving
My sister is in the process of moving to AZ. She and hubby are there now finalizing plans with their contractor to begin building their new house. They actually are heading back to MI this weekend and will be finishing the sale of their house here and packing up to move to AZ.
I think they are somewhere near Tucson...I forgot. She sends beautiful pics and is trying to convince the rest of my siblings that we need to be out there, as well. Hmmmmm....not ready for that yet. (Her hubby, 61, retired at 58, she at they are a little "ahead" of the game...$$$ to speak!)
Last December, they went out and visited AZ. She was bragging about how hot it was and no snow. While they were there, it snowed for the first time in 10 years...LOL! This past week, their condo was flooded out from some torrential rainstorm. She's hoping that the bad weather doesn't keep following them!
Good luck in your endeavors! Tina
It takes courage to grow up and become who you really are. ~e.e. cummings |
Tina, I'm going to hope that they're south of us with their weather luck, lol. We are actually in Sun City which is an over 55 community with many recreational activities and other things going on. I am hoping they have a WLS support group going or I'll have to start another one. Good thing I'm an OH leader so it'll be easy.
Certified OH Support Group Leader
Bariatric University - Bariatric Coach
Bariatric University - Bariatric Coach
Congrats on your new job and house. The move will be exciting. Your dogs will be OK. I moved three times long distance with two cats and they did fine ... they were shook up a bit, but adjusted once they got in their new surroundings. And the third time, I had a diabetic cat to contend with (think insulin shots, testing blood sugar twice a day on the road ... lots of fun!) Get some good tranquilizers from your vet (for the dogs, of course) to keep them calm in the car. Or maybe they're used to being in the car (my cats were not).
Enjoy the new challenges. It's what life is all about.