HELP !! Boogie Fever
i'm not sure what myspace codes are, that's probably a good thing.
Mel is really good with this stuff now, she runs three different spyware removal programs, a firewall, an antivirus program and a registry checker/optimizer. She's come along way since the AOL days.
"See God, Kai"
-John S01EP3
no not you. Rebecca's got the ad in her signature. Smiley Central claims not to be spyware but most antispyware/adware programs will strongly disagree with that as it puts a lot of other software on your pc including ad trackers. it's NOT a good thing. When i did tech support for an ISP it drove us crazy trying to help people get rid of it. Mostly trying to convince them it was a problem as with most distributors of spyware, they claim they are not distributing spyware. i am so glad i don't do tech support anymore. man that job is so thankless.
"See God, Kai"
-John S01EP3