on 8/8/07 12:18 pm - Sterling Heights, MI
This is my first experience with real pain. I am 3 weeks post op. I had some shredded tuna at 5 pm. Its now 10:30 and I am in severe pain. Not sure if ate too much, too fast or what... someone please tell me what i do??!!!!

on 8/8/07 1:04 pm - East Lansing, MI
little sips of warm water...if the pain doesnt go your surgeon...........were you supposed to be eating tuna this early?  i think i was still on really soft things stillat the point..but every surgeon has his.her own progression process........try to walk and just little sips of water to try to move things through...........good luck,rae
on 8/8/07 2:57 pm - MI
You ate too fast, didn't chew enough and had too big of bites. Tuna is too soon also. You are stuck. It will move. kp
"Go sell crazy somewhere else; we're all stocked up here."
on 8/8/07 7:15 pm - Millsboro, DE
hey kev, I remember when Ed got "stuck" a couple of times...we called you and you told him to chug some vegetable oil.  Yucky, but it worked!  You said "hey, it will either slide through or come up, but it will work."  He STILL uses this method sometimes.  Hamburger meat does it to him from time to time. KathyG
on 8/8/07 7:42 pm - Livonia, MI
Hey girlie! You were just fine a few hours ago when I saw you!  Do you think we were the entertainment of the doctor's office for the afternoon??? Just like everyone else told you, it's stuck!  Remember when I told you I was hanging over the toilet at work the other day......water seems to move it through, it will be painful but it will go away. You probably ate it too fast or you cannot tolerate it just yet. Good Luck

Pre-Op~312   Post-Op~299  Current~206 Goal~150     1/17/07

on 8/8/07 11:03 pm - Sterling Heights, MI
Pureed tuna is on my list of foods for now. I assumed I ate it too fast... after all, not much left to consistency once you puree it! I was in pain the entire evening and even today my stomach feels very tender. I think I will stick to just fluids today to make sure everything has passed through. Yesterday the surgeon told me to eat my foods what do they know! Anyway, thanks for the advice. I basically went to bed and prayed it was a side note. It was awesome talking to you yesterday Pattie!!  I was thinking how lucky we were to find each other to share this with.  Least we can laugh at ourselves..... Everyone have a great day. Thanks again for all the help and support. HUGS

on 8/9/07 6:50 am
Hello and welcome to us, I feel you are doing better as your pain is less? This is good. My pain is before I throw away what made me feel pain. Once I have thrown it away I feel much better than before. I will suggest if you eat meat that it should be mixed in a blender to a paste. I cannot get goat to a paste put lamb does well and I welcome it and will not throw it away. Hello again and welcome. Ahmed
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