3 years ago Sunday
The memories of that day are bittersweet. It was the day of my wls and i was sure i was gonna die. I backed out of my surgery even, only to have everyone around me remind me how hard i worked to get approved. I was an hour and a half late, but made it. I went into the operating room crying, i had that feeling that something bad was about to happen. I woke up on a vent, terrified. My surgeon promised me it wouldn't happen. I was in the i.c.u. and was surrounded by a lot of doctors who had just brought me back to life. I stopped breathing on the table when they were trying to wake me up. I remember all the nurses crying when i wrote them asking if i was gonna die. Nobody answered me. I spent a week like that, drugged with morphine and hallucinating. I wouldn't go to sleep cause i thought i wouldn't wake up. When they tried to take the breathing tube out, my throat would close so they had to put it back. Finally they took me to the o.r. to remove it. There were a lot of surgeons standing around me discussing my case, all but one walked away. If my throat closed this time they would do a trache (sp?) and i would be on life support the rest of my life. Thank God it worked and i'm here today. I had a very hard year, i lost all my muscle and could barely walk. But i pushed myself to the limit and fought to get to where i am today. I remember who i was and where i came from, it won't be like that for me ever again, i'm determined. I had no life, no health, and am sure i would have been dead without this surgery. So now after losing over 200 pounds i can do anything, go anywhere, and i'm happy. I just want to say thank you to all of my friends here who have been here for me through the good and the bad. Life is great! Linda
Linda, You truly are an inspiration to all of us. Right now I am on my 2nd day of my 15 day liquid pre-op diet. Reading your post makes me realize even more that all of what we go thru to get to our surgery date really is worth it. You are living proof that this tool works if you are willing to use it properly. Thanks for all the help you have given to everyone out here!!!!
Cindy :)
Thank you cindy! It really is worth it, and i'd go through the same thing again . It is amazing how much wls changes your life. I'm proud of you for making the decision to better youself. This tool works, it just takes determination and not forgetting where you came from. Wow, not even two more weeks for you, time will fly, don't get discouraged. Linda