Opinions can matter!
Judy, I've had similiar experiences. After some serious soul searching, I had to admit that I had some responsibility in what was happening. I have a close friend who is obese, but not obese enough to qualify for surgery. I'm excited about how much better I feel about myself now, but I realize now I got excited one time too many. I got excited when I got to a size 10, thought if she was a close friend I should be able to say that to her. She told me, "Don't you realize how I feel about myself and how much I want to lose weight?" Ouch. But she was right. I may think she should just be happy for me, that I should be able to tell her, but in reality what happened was she went home and cried because she wants to lose so badly and can't. I think to us we are just excited about what's happening, but to others they think we are now judging them. Even if that's not true, that's the way they perceive it sometimes. I think we just have to be careful to be humble and remember how we felt when someone else lost weight and we couldn't. Looking past their comments, what is really going on is how they feel about themselves because they can't lose weight. I no longer hide that I had surgery - losing it so fast was a dead giveaway anyway. However, I no longer tell anyone the details, what I eat, how much I've lost, what size I am, etc., unless they specifically ask. Marie